
please bhvr if you make a new killer don't make another on who can teleport or place a billion trap or both that can camp everything on the map at the same time these type of killers are extremely toxic and really annoying to go against and there are way to many killers like that in the game
It would be interesting if they made him into combination of stealth killer - but with limited capability of interacting with gens and pallets - Let's say - he would be like Ghost face, undetectable as long as survivor didn't have seen him, and he didn't break anything.
On the other hand - combined with ultimate chaser like legion. Using power, he could not see scratch marks, but he might have brief aura vision or killer instinct on survivors he have in clear line of sight (disappearing for example in 1 sec after loosing sight) together with Legion-like mobility boost.
Also, if his terror radius would be the sound of movement detector - it would be perfect.
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I can feel you on the trap thing, however you’ll notice that generally speaking any killer without map mobility isn’t exactly considered good.
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What do you mean these types of killers you're only describing hag and she isn't even that powerful
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If Alien isn't more powerful than a nurse then we're gonna have some problems. Good luck :)