Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Do you think tunnelling is fair?



  • Exarion
    Exarion Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2023

    tunneling = mechanic? ahahah

    tunneling is a made up word for a strategy that everyone uses irl, animals, people, everyone, the smartest and the most optimal strategy to focus on 1 thing at the time, be it your prey, job, lifegoal or anything else.

    as someone said doing 1 generator is the same thing, why you don't spread repair progress between them all? in your own twisted definition of fairness it's unfair. But here we come to the obvious, you're just biased survivor player and every killer who actually plays good is toxic and unfair.

    Devs already reward killers for spreading hooks, perks like pain resonance and no way out are the only reasons I spread hooks, mostly pain resonance in this meta of mft+hope NWO is often useless. While pain resonance is 25% I'm ok with spreading some hooks, if it ever gets nerfed there will be 0 reward for spreading hooks, so enjoy while it lasts.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I do enjoy holding M1.. Hitting great skill checks is very satisfying.. I just wish, we could have the old Hex: Ruin back, so it'd be even easier due to the highlighted skill checks in red color and its pointer in golden yellow color..

    Being chased can be fun, but depends majorly on the killer and its perks. For example, it's not fun to play against killers like the Blight with Alchemist's Ring or all of the M1 killers with Bamboozle. However, it is a lot of fun to play chases around other killers, especially the Wesker while you're healthy and aren't put into the unfair odds, because the killer can then simply M1 you and you can't do anything about it.

    Plague abusing its faster movement speed while holding down the purge, only to get closer to you and M1 you while you can't do anything about it. The same goes for the Wraith using the purple add-ons for faster breaking of pallets, uncloaking speed or movement speed while cloaked with Bamboozle and outrunning you to the window, using his hitbox to make your window vault impossible and easily M1 you down.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 349

    ngl old ruin did make gens more interesting lol gens currently are real boring and not interesting. bhvr should do somthing to make the main objective for survivor more interesting and ingaging.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    If you just let the person get tunneled, and you're all on gens while I do so, the game is a 3v1 with 1-2 gens left and no progress on hooking the other survivors, and you have a chance.

    If you all hop off of gens and start parading around the map trying to jump in front of me, it's now a 3v1 with multiple injured survivors and 4-5 gens left, and your team is toast.

    It's simple math.

    If I'm tunneling, the only thing I'm scared off is that the person in question knows how to loop and the rest of you do gens. I hope you try to stop me. I'm counting on it.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Heh, yeah.. Getting one and a half generator done by the time two survivors had six hooks (yeah, they were sacrificed by that time) while the third one got hooked for the first time, while I was the only one alive was a lot of fun.

    I dunno.. It's probably nostalgia and players treating the game more casually. There wasn't as much camping, tunneling, and players using the sweatiest add-ons and items like nowadays, but that's to be expected given the reduced grind. It's a shame, business took over fun once more and ruined what I've loved so much..

    Although you do have a point, I'm against your suggestion.. At least, not right now. As long as the killer and survivor can see from one side of the map to the other side of the map, no additional objectives are necessary. If we wanna add that objective, then we shall have some more hide'n'seek elements built into the game, not what it is now. I do miss the old fog and dark maps..

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Given the bonus bloodpoints at different times of the day - Yes. I don't wanna deal with X Toolboxes and BNPs every single match and have each match ending within four minutes.. That's not a lot of fun, you know?

    .. I guess, I wouldn't mind it back even if it meant no bonus bloodpoints at those different times of the day.

    It's probably cool for those players with competitive mindset and SWF premades who do use the sweatiest add-ons 24/7, but for casual players like me, who do prefer playing killers and survivors without any add-ons, items, and offerings.. The current lowered grind means encountering even more such players, and I do no longer have the energy to keep up with that.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    I honestly am not sure what game you’re playing where survivors get 3 gens during first chase, but let me in the game? Lol I just don’t see this happen as much but I also don’t play as killer. My best solution would be to use corrupt and if you aren’t getting the survivor in your first chase, leave them and go to the gens where the survivors are. Getting 3 gen’d during first chase may a you problem and not in a mean way. Just saying it’s rare to see that happen and when I do play as killer rarely, if I’m not getting a survivor in chase I will leave them and find another.

  • boogerboy123
    boogerboy123 Member Posts: 119

    being tunneled is the best part

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123

    That logic would only apply if MMR is strict. However it doesn’t due to queue time priority. It’s no secret that people get mismatched in lobbies frequently, so going for hooks wouldnt stop you from being matched against potatoes or better players.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Tunneling is fair for the simple reason that there is no rule against it. Same with camping, genrushing, etc. Also people who set the rules aka developpers stated multiple times that it is fair. So regardless of anyone's subjective feelings, it is objectively fair.

    It's also not a mechanic, at least in my understanding of the word. Hooking is a mechanic, mori is a mechanic, sabo is a mechanic. Basically to be a mechanic, it needs to be something, well... mechanical 😁 Tunnerling is more of a strategy or a playstyle.

    The problem with tunneling is that it's often frustrating to the person on the recieving end, but it also is a very practically efficient way to get kills. To change that you need:

    • Make it a really impratical and weak strategy
    • Heavily incentivize people to go for a different strategy by giving them some kind of reward
    • Change the win condition altogether in the MMR

    Not about how to do that (and whether it's actually worth spending effort doing that, because it probably will take a lot of effort) - I don't know, that's for devs to figure out.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I don't think tunneling is healthy for the game nor is it the most fun part of the game.

    I think the idea that I am in "danger" simply because the killer decided to come back while in a game where I cannot fight back is not well-designed. Perks can help but that is not the point at all IMO, it's also the reason I never take off OTR because I feel like one mistake (on the killer's part) and they switch to the easiest thing (tunnel).

    No person wearing a flat cap will ever convince me otherwise.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 259


    Thats bloodeh survivor biased mate, just like the devs always catering to these low lvl survivors and shafting killer at every turn! I play in MAX MMR vs COMP SWF every match, ya priff.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    By that logic you shouldn’t fix gens either because regression exists.

    The existence of a counter doesn’t invalidate the play.