Killer Filter

Can we please somehow implement where we can't go against the same killer twice in a row? It gets frustrating and tiring going against Wesker 4 matches in a row.

Or allow us to filter 2 killers that we don't want to play against? That way we don't play them. Or even one. And you can change it every 15 days or something?

It gets annoying playing the same killer multiple times over and over, losing pips because of it.

*also Wesker is still way over powered, please nerf him!*


  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    The same argument could be made about survivor perks, it gets frustrating and tiring having to go against MFT + Resi Builds every single game.

    People will obviously gravitate towards killers that are strong enough to nullify or atleast dont struggle as much against survivor meta. No point in playing M1 killers vs current surv meta.

    Not to mention, a killer blacklist feature would ensure people that enjoy certain killers would either get no matches or queues would take hours and that is plain unnaceptable.