Do Perks contribute to your match score/emblems?
We of course use perks to help us in the game and do things we cant normally do. But I was wondering, if you use a perk, as its intended like you're actually using it as it is defined, does it contribute to the score at the end of the match? Or your grade? Say Spirit Fury and Enduring. You're using both perks and getting (possibly) immense value from it, would it add anything, even if its a small amount, to your score/grade?
If you mean your emblems, which contribute to the monthly grade - no. At least not directly.
The benefits perks can provide can make getting emblem score easier as a side result, but using your perk effectively doesn't directly give you any benefit to score/grade.
This page has a link to what contributes to your emblems:
Some perks do give you bloodpoints for using them, though. Any Means Necessary, for example, gives you 500 Boldness bloodpoints for resetting a pallet. You can see score events here: