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Professional DBD player from best team in the world gets matched with 87 hour killer.



  • Member Posts: 4,941

    The game has a competitive scene where people win money for playing. I'd say that counts to some degree.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    Call them whatever you want, idc, I don't support or watch esport gaming.

    Esports might be a joke to you but there's millions of dollars on the table. Also, those games require skill to play unlike dead by daylight.

    Competitive dead by daylight is the actual joke.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    Competitive scene by the self proclaimed professional players.

    There's no organisation that funds teams to play dead by daylight. The win money are so little or nothing at all in most tournaments. This is the difference between legit comp and dbd comp.

  • Member Posts: 21,232
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    do you think all the competitive sports just sprouted from the ground?

    that they didn't start small with little to no prizes and that it took time and effort for them to grow?

  • Member Posts: 6,362

    And to make it even worse, no one can even agree on what "fair" is. Too subjective. And balancing any asymmetrical game is a nightmare to begin with.

    On a side note, locking or removing the lobby would also get rid of that last second swapping bs survs can do. I'm willing to bet no killer would miss that. 😁

  • Member Posts: 6,362

    I'd also love to see it tested. Like the time they tested out no bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I mean... they would just already have what they were gonna switch to... same thing

  • Member Posts: 534

    do yall STILL not know how the mmr works? it does not care how long youve played. what matters is a rating which we cannot see and changes every match

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Lol yeah I agree it’s a whole mess that I don’t have a good solution for either. I feel like any solution would have a decent chunk of the population who hates it.

    I wasn’t thinking about the locking on survivor too lol

  • Member Posts: 94

    dbd doesnt requiere skill to play? dude if you dont have 1k hours in this game the community considers you a baby

  • Member Posts: 1,564

    That would work, but I think that's the nuclear option. How about don't show Prestige in the lobby? Like, what is the purpose other than bragging? Why do I need to know that I am going against 4 P100 before the match? Most killers would be intimidated by that and dodge the lobby.

    Even as a survivor.. Unless I am wearing full Legacy outfits (which I don't have, but speaking hypothetically) the killer doesn't need to know how many points I've spent on my character.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    Dbd doesn't have competitive or ranked mode so comp dbd doesn't exist.

    There's no organisation on dbd that funds teams, paying them monthly, houses, and huge amount of money to the winners. That's the legit competitive gaming.

    There's a reason that no one backs up huge tournaments and coverage for dbd, the game is not competitive. Now, there's some kids on dbd community who pretend that the game is competitive.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    Who cares what the dbd community believes. You care way too much on what the community says. The dbd community believes that comp dbd exists without comp or ranked mode 🤦

    And no, dbd doesn't require actual skill to play like other games.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Some of the comments towards the DbD team on this thread are a bit much. It doesn't take a lot to be kind. I get that you're passionate about your favourite game, but my god get a grip. Don't need to be rude to other people over a video game.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    Same. I'm losing braincells when I hear that dbd is a comp game.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Am I the only one that finds it ironic that everyone is like "MMR bad get rid of it" and then when we get games that show what games would commonly be like if they did scrap it we get topics like this? I know I'm exaggerating when I say everyone but I just mean it as it's a sentiment I see a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2023

    Please, never do that. I sometimes have to dodge because I notice my ping is high, and I often notice other survivors doing that as well. Locking the lobbies would force players to play matches even though they know their ping will be way too high. Lobby-dodging is also needed when you end up meeting a cheater from a previous match.

    Skipping the lobbies would be even worse, as it wouldn't even allow you to know those things AND would get rid of lobby animations and voicelines like Thalita and Renato's interaction. All of that to TRY to solve ONE of the issues with the matchmaking, and people would still be complaining about bad matchmaking just like they do today.

    Disbanding the lobbies in case someone dodges would make harder to start a match, so it would be an even worse solution. I've already had bad experiences on other games where I would have to look for a match multiple times in a row simply because someone was leaving the lobby at the last second every single time. If people don't want to suffer the risks caused by backfilling, they can just leave the lobby themselves. We don't need to make the time waiting in queues longer for THE WHOLE PLAYERBASE because of that.

    I'm fine with most of that, but I don't think names should be hidden. Seeing player names improves player experience as it allows you to avoid playing against cheaters from previous matches or gamethrowing trolls. Additionally, even though I personally don't have a problem with that, some people don't like playing against streamers.

    Cosmetics COULD be removed, but honestly, is dodging based on cosmetics THAT common? We must remember none of those changes will remove lobby-dodging for good, only make it less common, and that alone will not fix all the matchmaking issues in the game. I don't think cosmetics in lobby are that problematic to the point of needing a removal. Prestiges and items have a much greater impact.

  • Member Posts: 6,362

    I've brought up that point many times as well.

    Newbie killers should never get rolled by a veteran team, SWF or not, just like rookie survs getting stomped by a highly skilled killer shouldn't happen either. All because of dodging.

    And during one of the recent surveys they asked the community whether they favor queues over quality matchmaking, and the overwhelming response was faster queue times. So this system only gets one real shot at a fair-ish trial, and backfilling breaks it.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Maybe killers don’t want to go against 5,000 hour survivors in a game that is balanced around a low level of play.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I feel really bad when I go for the obvious newby ... but whatya gonna do, when their mates are running loops extra tight and are night untouchable at the best of times, and then use MFT on top of new and improved fast vaults? Its mean, but that newby can just crank out gens as any of the other ones, besides maybe a second or two due to great skill checks. And with everyone splitting up, therei s little counterplay these days, besides being hyper-aggressiv and tunnel someone out if possible.

  • Member Posts: 411

    I'm not going to go into what I think the game is balanced around but I will say that there are lots of things that people don't want to go against in this game. It is what it is. If the MMR is working as intended, and someone is getting matched up against people of a similar skill level, then that is how it should be. Not being able to shop for lower MMR or lower hour players.

    The 5k hours doesn't matter at that point. By leaving the lobby you are opening it up to being filled by a killer that is much less skilled than the opponent. It isn't fair to them.That being said I'd like to see changes to how MMR is figured up anyway.

    I think locking the lobby is a good idea. It would kind of make it even across the board as far as being able to dodge what someone doesn't to play against.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Reasons for dodging:


    People livestreaming (I get twitch streamers in my lobbies occasionally)

    Potential hackers (red flags on profile)

    I’m sorry but there’s more incentive to look at the lobby first before I decide whether to play with a certain team or not based on my personal experience.

    Another way to fix it is to look at the Survivor Killer ratio perhaps? If matchmaking has to grab a Killer from a lower skill bracket after 1 or 2 dodges, wouldn’t that imply that there aren’t much Killers of each skill bracket queuing in the first place? I wonder why. Food for thought.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited August 2023

    That's the thing: SBMM doesn't work. It's just there to say it's there.

    This game is already incredibly rough for new players since you have no perks or any idea how the game actually plays. Being pitted against people with thousands of hours in the game early on is just blatantly unfair and more likely to get newcomers to quit the game rather than suffer through the painful slog that is starting the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I don’t shop for anything other than to avoid seal teams, and that’s only if I’m not playing Nurse. Like I’m expected to play Pig against an experienced team on a bad map? No thanks. One of the problems with MMR in this game is the game overall has a pretty low skill ceiling. If you know tiles, map layout, and basic mind games, you’re set. Granted it takes time to learn those things, but it isn’t a huge mental load. Basic m1 killers generally can’t catch survivors before they finish the gens, which is why tunneling and camping are so popular. You can’t outskill someone at safe loops.

  • Member Posts: 411

    So would you say survivors should be able to see the killer they are facing and leave the lobby accordingly? Someone may feel that because they are in solo queue they shouldn't have to face off against experienced players or stronger killers running high tier perks and add-ons.

    As far as playing on a bad map there's no way to know that until the offering screen pops up. I want to say you can also use map offerings, but 90% of the time when I use a map offering as killer it seems to choose the map offering survivors play.

  • Member Posts: 810

    Can you please not bully the community manager? You're acting like everything she says is God's scripture when she's basically a social media liaison that put forward an idea on the spot under duress. Rude comments like yours are how we end up with zero dev communication.

  • Member Posts: 1,384
    edited August 2023

    yea but you're breaking the matchmaking when you dodge. You get a new lobby and it's some disorganized solo queue trainwreck. Then you predictably destroy them. Then your MMR goes higher and higher and you have to dodge more lobbies to get what you want. Further breaking the matchmaking. The lobby you dodged also gets backfilled by a brand new killer who proceeds to get bullied by survivors with thousands of hours. This is a massive issue with the matchmaking system and exactly why dodging needs to be heavily discouraged. Survivors don't get to choose whether they go against a sweaty alch ring blight or a nurse. Why should killers get to choose their games but not survivors?

    I can subjectively say that my games are rarely close. The first scenario is I get some 7000 hour blight who destroys me and my 400 hour teammates. I am an exclusively solo queue player who does not win much so there is absolutely no reason why I should ever get matched with players like this. The other scenario is I get a trapper who just installed the game. He gets bullied all game and is aggressively teabagged at the gate. I don't think i'm wrong for thinking the status quo isn't a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Actually most of the time I’m in the backfill. I’ve gotten 6k hours surv streamers and “comp champions” in my lobbies as Killer when I have less than 1k hours overall. In all honesty I wouldn’t dodge that much if it was pre 6.1.0 matchmaking apart from obvious cheaters.

    No offense but while Killers can pick their lobbies, Survivors can choose to play in swf or not. Solo queue has disadvantages against a Killer because no one would play Killer if your average solo queue team could consistently beat the average Killer player.

    I can see how problematic lobby shopping can be, but I see no personal benefit in being the backfill against better teams or potential cheaters, especially when the devs are slowly but surely reducing the viable playstyles for M1 weaker Killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Lobby dodging or not the problem with the MMR is kills/escapes.

    New killer with 1 to 87 hours can camp and tunnel for kills move up and go against survivors with over 1k hours.

    Same with a new survivor hides all match when all gens done run to the gate open it and leave moves up in MMR to face off against over 1k hour killers.

    Killers dodging in search for easy matches is a problem, but kills/escapes is the real issue.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2023

    There's no need for "more transparency about how MMR works", we know why this happens.

    People who drop out of lobbies cause them to be 'backfilled'. The game will pull the next available player who can fill that role so players don't wait 5 minutes every time someone dodges a lobby, bypassing MMR entirely.

    You can't use single cases like this to critique MMR because these are events outside of the usual function of MMR.

    And outside of these events where MMR is being applied, it can only work with what it's given, with the players available to match with. We know the parameters widen after a few minutes and eventually include everyone anyway. This is the system the majority of players prefered. The alternative is waiting 15-20 minutes or more for a game.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Member Posts: 3,322

    But SWFs aren’t winning that much more than solo queue (+\-15% with a 4-man). And contrary to popular belief, no one is facing 4-man sweat squads very often. They’re only 4% of the player base. Most survivors are in fact solo queue, with duos close behind.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2023

    To be fair, that 4% is far more likely to be high MMR, which means if you're in the top MMR bracket, you could be facing a significantly larger pool of 4-man SWF.

    It's a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was closer to 20-25%.

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