Dear BHRV we got a problem

Worgen Member Posts: 67
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Buckle up and for the people gamebreaking combo on the m1 side, if we don't play this and that almost no counterplay. haste was fine on buckle, now just no brain, any surv can do it with less than 1k hrs. its almost like old DH in terms of effect, a littlebit harder to do but not that much.

BNP nerf was actual buff. i cannot explain better than Otzdarva

Plot twist is on its self breaking the game mechanics. survs can denie chain hunts, corruptintervention, extend endgame collapse...etc but if survs combine with powerstruggle, flipflop,unbreakable then the real sh it happens. if a surv downs himself under a pallett, if a killer looks around for like 3 secs you are already recoverd to powerstuggle threshold. but insta pick can work there. but if therse two survs then the killer cannot pick up beacuse the other one stuns him, if the killer choses to chase the other one, powersturrgle happens. or if he just slugs he recover to healthy. or they can run this with buckle up and then just tapping the downed surv and both invincible. this is insane my friends. "but i deadicate my hole perks to this and cant bring prove, deli, off the record." nothing is okay if that makes you invincible, this is not balanced.

Im sorry but im gonna say it, if some one is trying to protect thesee are just not played enough or just not sane person.

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