Can we be banned for using custom icons textures ?

Alright, little question, cause I found one pretty funny but idk if that's allowed.
Don't want to be banned
I don't think so but I play on console so I could be wrong.
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BHVR's stance on this has pretty much been 'use at your own risk'.
If EAC ban you for changing game files, then BHVR won't be able to help you.
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Well, so I have to deal with Easy Anti Cheat forum .. well okay
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I wouldn't worry about it.
No one so far has been banned for using custom icons and BHVR themselves won't ban you for it.
The only thing is if in a 1 in a million chance EAC somehow bans you, they won't unban you. But again, that's never happened.
I've used them in the past and many big streamers use them and have never been banned, so don't worry about it and use the icons you want :)