Blindness and Luck

Both of these status effects are kinda bad. Blindness does have niche uses as a way to hide information from survivors, but for survivors without aura reading perks it’s mostly useless, and even for those with those perks, it’s just information, so nothing too valuable is lost. With luck, all it does is increase your chance to unhook yourself. That’s it. That’s all it does. The choice between increasing your unhook chance by 1% or doubling your blood points is an easy one, so no one actually runs luck offerings or perks.
On top of its ability to trump aura reading perks, any player suffering from blindness would also see the world in monochrome, just like old borrowed time. If the people who worked so hard to add support for color blindness settings have told me anything, it’s that color definitely is useful. Removing it would severely limit the survivor’s ability to see the world around them, which could be useful in several different situations.
If the survivor gains blindness while in chase, they would have a more difficult time seeing the killer and their red stain, making looping the killer more difficult as it takes longer to recognize just where the killer is. It would also help stealth killers, as survivors would have a more difficult time seeing them approach since they would blend in better with the background. Plus, it would be kinda scary, which is fun.
Picture for referance:
On top of its increase to unhooking yourself, the percentage of luck in the match would also have a new effect on skill checks. Whenever a survivor hits a good skill check, the percentage would be used to possibly change it into a great skill check. (1% Luck = 1% chance of a great, 5% Luck = 5% chance of a great, ect).
This would at least give it something to do in the main trail. Bringing a luck offering for the whole team now possibly gives some bonus progression to the match, small as it may be. It still wouldn’t be very strong, as skilled survivors can usually consistently hit great skill checks, but it would be a subtle thing. Even if a team stacked luck offerings, at most, they can only get around 50%, so it’s no guarantee.
These small changes would increase the amount of influence that these status effects have, which I personally think they severely need. Perhaps addons and such for the blindness status would have to be tweaked a bit to not make it feel as oppressive for survivors, but it’s better to have a limited medium-strength effect than constant near-nothing-strength effect.
Blindness is bad, but this change wouldn’t do anything. Make it hide the entire player HUD, now that’s useful.
Luck I’d like to see improve chests for better items and addons.
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I wish luck affected looting chests too.
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fearmonger play rate would surpass 100%
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It would be more popular, but I wouldn't be that hyperbolic. Fearmonger is also the only even remotely okayish Blind or Exhaustion perk.
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Blindness hiding survivor perks is 100% necessary.
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the skillcheck indicator is part of the survivor hud. no hud when repairing = no ability to hit skillchecks. i guess you'd have to carve out an exception for skillchecks because without it, that would reduce escape rates to whoever was lucky enough to find hatch.
third seal and blood echo are also fairly decent IMO as far as blindness and exhaustion go, respectively.
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With HUD I was referencing the panel on the left showing your team and perks, not literally zero of anything on the entire screen. So skill checks would not be affected. When i used the word "entire" that was poor wording.
Third Seal and Blood Echo are complete trash. Hence why no one uses them.
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fair enough on the phrasing thing, i probably could have figured you meant something like that TBH that's my bad
I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on third seal and blood echo. I feel like they're underrated because you can't see their impact as directly as with fearmonger. they're not great, but I don't think it's fair to call them trash
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