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Bots Consistently Fail Skill Checks Around 90% Action Completion

Platform: Steam

Issue: The DC bots, when doing an interaction (healing, repairing, snapping out of Doctor's madness), will consistently miss skill checks when it's almost completed, and will keep doing so until forced to stop, either by the killer approaching or the other survivor leaving. If it's a heal, they can't fully heal the other survivor. If a generator is about to finish, they blow up the gen.

When I've previously noticed this, I didn't capture a video of it because I wasn't looking for evidence, but against Doctor, it was very noticable. Snapping out of Madness Tier 3 takes about 12 seconds, and the imbedded video shows a Kate bot fail to complete this action for almost 50 seconds before she's interrupted by the killer.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Play as survivor in public matches
  2. Have a teammate DC and be replaced by a bot
  3. Bot begins an interaction
  4. Bot's action reaches about 90% completion
  5. Witness bot consistently fail skill checks

How often does it occur: To my knowledge, every time they're finishing an interaction. So far, I've only noticed it a handful of times, but due to a mix of when teammates DC, killer behavior, and the bots' behavior priorities, I haven't seen them try to stick it out and finish actions too often.

3 votes

Under Review · Last Updated


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,175

    The DC bots are good for abandoning teammates to open the exit gate and run out, and they're good for crouching around the edges of the map waiting for teammates to die so they can get the hatch. In the latter scenario, they are actually worse than nothing at all because they are holding up the match and getting their teammate killed. They can't hit skill checks, they hide every time they hear the killer's TR, they are the modeled after the worst survivor teammates you could have. Killers will often ignore bots, anyway, because they're annoying in a chase, useless on gens, and will play selfishly.