Can We Please Do Something About Skill Base Matching?

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I hate to go on a massive rant again and I apologize for it. But I keep facing a lot of hard cord groups for when I play killer. From my personal experience. I mean seriously I don’t even play all that much and I keep getting them. I’ve been playing more survivor since it’s still more chill over there.

But yeah when I also come back from a break from the game I run into those groups a lot. I know everyone does a as well and it definitely shows. Cause MMR is definitely not working properly. I also thought that by taking breaks that skill base match making would be lower? So apparently it doesn’t or least from my experience. But yeah can we please do something about SBMM?


  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I think SWF groups are an essential part of the game, getting 1-3 friends to join you as a survivor is the main appeal of the game to many people - however as a survivor main I feel I need to comment in favour of the killers. A well coordinated SWF is much harder than 4 SoloQ survivors. I understand how killers may find this unfair, but on the flip side survivors don't even know what killer they're going against... so really it is quite fair, perhaps slightly in favour of suvivors. Killers don't know if its SoloQ or SWF, and survivors don't know if its a baby Trapper or a P100 Nurse.

    So, in reality, it's fair. The real question is whether or not it's a good idea. I think a buffer of some sort should be added, where you are guaranteed that you wont get an SWF one game and another SWF the next. I think that you should get an fair mix of SWFs and SoloQs, that way you cant end up facing 5 SWFs in a row. I also think survivors should have the same thing, no P100 Nurses back to back. That one is harder to implement I reckon but the point still stands. Any effort possible to prevent back to back to back boring and very hard to win games should be prevented. The only concern I have is people waiting ages to find a game simply because they are playing with a friend, or are playing their main killer. It's a very complicated issue to resolve and I'm not smart enough to think of a real solution. I understand the frustration as I think everyone who's played this game for a while has experienced it, but I don't know if there is a viable way to actually implement this.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited August 2023

    I understand where you are coming from and I get it. I also feel that yes both roles should be able to have fairer matches. I also get that yeah solo does sometimes have it struggles as well, I should know.

    I understand that people do like to play with their friends too. That they prefer to be in a group as well. I also get that again that people play the way they do cause of who they play against all the time. I also like your idea that if you’re facing a group and that you also get a notification for playing against those group. So maybe they’ll also add a reward too for facing swfs as well in the near future.

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