Boons Rework

Since Circle of Healing's (justified) nerf, boons have been in... a really bad spot. People don't really bring them anymore, and I think the largest reason for this is to utilize them, you have to go to the area they're in, which often brings the killer right along with you to find the boon, and they're only useful in that one specific area. This can be ok on 2 story maps, but on most maps, it immediately makes them garbage if you don't know which one you're heading to. My proposal is 3-fold.
1) Boons are now mapwide. To compensate, their effects are somewhat weaker by roughly half.
Dark Theory is a flat 1% speed boost at all times.
Circle of Healing is a 50% healing speed boost, but no longer reveals the auras of injured allies.
Exponential no longer grants any recovery speed, but continues to allow you to pick yourself up.
Shadowstep no longer hides auras, but continues to hide scratch marks.
None of these effects stack if multiple boons are placed by different survivors, and of course, dissipate when the booning survivor leaves the match either via gates or death.
My hope with this is that it will once again be somewhat beneficial to place boons in an area the killer is unlikely to want to go so you can benefit from small buffs throughout the game. In addition, I believe each of these boons can stand on its own, not requiring an OP boon like pre-nerf CoH to be worth running at all (though I imagine full-boon loadouts would still be decently popular). However, I do not want to leave killers without counterplay, which brings me to my second point:
2) Shattered Hope's totem breaking is now basekit. The same totem cannot be used twice, and may indeed let the killer benefit from Pentimento. In addition, all boons now have a scalar of 1/2/3 tokens, 1 token from each equipped boon perk being used up each time a totem is blessed. Buffs with permanent uptime are still significant, so my hope here is to give the survivals a reasonable chance of their boons lasting all game if they place them well, but a determined killer can still mitigate them in a way that mirrors how survivors deal with hexes and leave a survivor without any perks at all. With their nerfed effects, if you CAN'T locate them, it will hopefully still not win the game on their own just by existing. However for killers not familiar with totem locations, until they learn them well, I believe Shattered Hope could take the form of a sort of "training wheels" perk if they find the boons' effects too much to keep up with.
3) Since Shattered Hope would effectively be getting a nerf and seriously lose its benefit for people who REALLY hate booners, in lieu of its totem break effect, Shattered Hope would give you aura reading of where boons are placed, to remove guesswork if you don't know totem locations and don't want to check them all. The aura of all survivors mapwide would be revealed when a boon totem is snuffed and crushed, to potentially save you time in finding your next survivor so it's not a strict timeloss to travel to where the boon is, especially if it's somewhat out of the way.
I believe these changes would make boons viable once again, without being oppressive. However, I'm confident that my idea is not necessarily the best one, and may be very strong outside of a vacuum, so please feel free to weigh in with your own opinions.