lethal pursuer


i would love for this perk to be nerfed a little bit because it got buffed too much and shows the aura for way too long and i'm tired of being spawn killed 90% of the game i play because the killer run straight to me 0.5 seconds after the game started. i'm so sick of this perk.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237

    LP is example of very strong perk, that is perfectly fine the way it is and does not need any tinkering one way or another

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    It lasts for 11 seconds bro.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I mean... experienced killers can generally pinpoint survivor spawns based on their own spawn location, so somebody is usually bound to get found early anyway. All it does is ensure that killers can get a chase going before a gen or two pops. It's a strong perk, but it's fine as it is; it's sole effect lasts for literally a minuscule fraction of the round and then it deactivates. It's fine.

  • codebibi
    codebibi Member Posts: 61

    11 seconds is a lot and in a small map the killer can easily go to someone and start a chase before it ran out

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    That's the point, to start chase, the Killer still needs to win chase for that to matter. Go to the bathroom while in queue instead of once you find a lobby if that's a problem.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,879

    9 seconds isn't a lot on most killers.

    It is however quite a lot on high mobility killers like Billy, Blight, Wesker and Nurse.

    So in general, yeah it's not massively OP. But it could benefit from one particular nerf; it only reveals auras more than 48 meters away.

    This should be just enough that it shows the auras of all survivors upon spawning, but killers who can close that gap very quickly immediately after the game begins, will reduce the time they see survivors.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,951

    I don't think it would be to be honest, I think the perk is fine the way it is, especially since it only activates at the beginning of the game. The Aura reading runs out before Nurse reaches you for sure, same for Wesker, Blight and billy might be able to reach? Blight more likely than billy to be honest.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 381
    edited August 2023

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 251


    I like to use Lethal Pursuer and in my opinion this Perk is fine and does not need a nerf. The weakest point of every killer is the start of the match because killers have often no clue where the survivors are while every pallet is up. Lethal Pursuer helps with the former one by giving the information where to go and where the survivors are. Leathal Pursuer also works only at the beginning of the match. It's second effect to give other aurareading Perks and Add-Ons two additionally seconds is also fine because this motivates the killerplayer to run other Auraperks. Running aura or information Perks is also helpful to keep the game healthy and getting better at playing killer.

    Yes, you can say that this Perk is too strong on Nurse and Blight because due to their high mobility they can immediately go to the survivors and give them no chance "to get into the game". However, the issue here is rather that Nurse and Blight are unhealthy/too strong and not the Perk, Lethal Pursuer, is unhealthy/too strong.

    Overall, Lethal Pursuer is in a good spot and needs no nerf or something else.