Like I can’t say how annoyed I was waiting for a skin for 30 days only to find out it has an backpack (as usual) on every cosmetic.. i’m so done with this backpack fetish on every new cosmetic, can the design team stop adding them for once? It won’t kill you
What are the characters even carrying around in the backpacks!
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I don't see why we can't have a Back Bling customization so we can add it ourselves and mix and match
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Bro, he's got toolboxes and flashlights to carry. Where's he supposed to stick them all, his pockets? Damn.
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Let me toggle backpack off
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I for too am tired of this, also chill out on the size of things! like Spirits hat! it looks like a UFO on her head lol
It looks even bigger in the game, maybe least give an option to remove the back packs, ice skates etc etc or make cosmetic one with it and one without it or something, I have not bought some cosmetics because of this, it's like oh nice and then turn it around and like, eh....nah!
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DbD Mobile Artists: realistically animated hair, smoke, glitter, necklaces, key chains, body paint, tattoos, just absolutely beautiful detailing and NEW MORIS
DbD Core Artists: Goofy, ugly, obnoxious backpacks.
Seriously who on the core art team has this obsession with backpacks. The Backpacks have to stop. Please.
The Mobile Artists are being wasted on the Mobile game.
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That seems a little farfetched considering they could just give the back the same attention as the backpack that's covering it. However my cynical side suspects it's done to align more with hitboxes.
After all, a running survivor's hitbox is actually the empty space directly above their butt, while their 'physical torso' has no collision.
This means the backpack on cosmetics like this is what the killer has to aim for.
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BACK when backpacks were something special..
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But slower content releases
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and gacha mechanics
Which i think is funny how people always gloss over that part when glorifying dbd mobile's cosmetic selection as it's all just a bunch of colorful eye candy to look at.
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Yeah, paying up to around 200$ for a time-limited shiny skin with a custom Mori? Hell no. I could buy the game and most DLC for the same price.
Not to mention the Relic system which is literal P2W, or the fact that new characters are gacha-locked for a little while before being purchasable normally (Sadako was temporarily locked upon release on the new Mobile and if you wanted her day 1 then you could try your hand and maybe get her for a reasonable price).
Or the fact that balance-wise it is years behind Core DBD, infinites still exists, many perks and items are their previous versions (DH isn't nerfed on Mobile for example) and some maps are barely playable for most Killers except Nurse.
The Mobile version does have a handful of nice things (being able to see your teammates loadouts is nice and having all Survivors share inventory is very good) but the bad heavily outweighs the good.
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Straight up yeah, also in my humble opinion, mobile cosmetics just aren't really that good with the exception of a handful of killer ones.
Survivor cosmetics however to me looks nothing more than some generic colorful mass produced outfits with no uniqueness over them, they feel soulless most of the time compared to many of core's cosmetics which has alot more personality given to them.
What i mean by that is alot of- if not all of the mobile ones for Survivors are the exact same or almost exact same cosmetic but just in different color for each Survivor it's given to, they have nothing that makes them really stand out as they're all just basically a carbon copy of each other, they don't have something tied to a specific Survivor as part of their personality or something related to a specific Survivor the same way core cosmetic does.
Another thing i hate about mobile cosmetics (specifically about Survivor cosmetics) is that every single one of them are way too clean and proper for a ''life & death type run for your life situation'' in dbd, they all just look like they're off for a photoshoot or some fancy party.
Meanwhile we got core cosmetics with the majority of cosmetics having some kind of blood, dirty or mud on them along with having some damage or cuts added to them to make them look worn or used in order to fit in with the horror aesthetic of the game. Granted core dbd also have some eye candy or cosmetics that are way too clean, however it's nowhere near as many as you would find in dbd mobile's cosmetic selection.
I know bhvr said in the most recent reddit AMA that they would be bringing mobile cosmetics over to core but not as a 1:1 recreation, i just hope that they dirty them some more for core so they don't look nearly as clean as on mobile.
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I personally love the backpacks! However, I have seen many people complaining about backpacks and choosing not to buy a skin just because the backpack ruins it for them.
I have already suggested to BHVR to let us toggle backpacks on/off . It would do wonders for their sales.
Specifically regarding this Vittorio cosmetic - I personally love the backpack, it feels very fitting. BUT, I want you guys to be able to take it off too <3