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Disconnected from match but I didn't do it.

jvg999 Member Posts: 12
edited August 2023 in Bug Reporting

I don't know what discussion to put this on, I don't know if it's a bug, but it's been happening for so long and I'm kind of getting frustrated.

I just got into a match as Demogorgon, everything is going well, and bam, disconnected, no warning. The whole match is disconnected, ended, every player unable to play. I load back to the game and I'm at the start game screen, saying that my save file is corrupted, but I can load back into the game just fine. What the heck? This happens so much that this most recent one gave me a 5 hour penalty. Now I can't play because of nothing.

Is there any way the developers can address this? This issue has given me up to 50 hour penalties before, and I swear it's not my doing. This issue caused me to miss out on the rest of the Scorching BBQ Tome so I didn't get the full Jake and Clown cosmetics.

I play on Nintendo Switch, if that helps at all.

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