Cannot Rotate Xenomorph

End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 144
edited August 2023 in Bug Reporting

I know there’s a lot of bugs being reported and this one definitely isn’t high priority, but I was wondering why you’re unable to rotate Xenomorph like you can with every other killer.

Playing on PS5 and the rotation works for everyone except Xenomorph. Was wondering if this was a bug or by design since Xeno has their specific hook on every map. So I’m not sure if it was a conscious choice or not, amazing chapter though! Keep up the amazing work!

Post edited by Rizzo on
3 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. This problem has already been reported and it's currently under review.


  • edgargarciabe660
    edgargarciabe660 Member Posts: 45

    Not being able to not rotate Xeno has been in the game since his ptb, although it's weird because you can rotate him in the shop, but not in the lobby so most probably is a bug. As for the hooks, that's a feature for some reason specified in the patch notes. Don't know why they would do such an inconsistency no other killer has.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 144

    I didn’t know that was a thing in the ptb, and I was confused cause you can rotate them in the store but not the lobby. I was wondering if it was like Sadako’s lobby animation for her crawling out the wall and shambling forward.

    And yeah, the hook thing is weird to include since Xeno’s the first killer to have that since huntress or Doctor I believe. So it’s strange but I don’t mind it

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