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DLC Store Price Increase Intention?

Mazzagatti Member Posts: 28
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

A lot of fans have noticed that the last two DLCs (Nicholas Cage & Alien) no longer have the cheaper bundle option that every other chapter has had since the beginning. Many are upset while others see it as a minor price increase not worth complaining about. What they don't seem to get however is that people are upset with BHVR's method of increasing the price.

If your business team decided y'all are gonna have to start raising DLC prices, I guarantee no one would be as upset as they are currently. It would suck sure, but it happens and a +$3 increase isn't much. The issue is however, that we cannot confirm this is the case, as forcing the new bundles to come with a skin comes off as a deceptive attempt to sneak more money out of buyers who don't have all this context.

That being said, maybe your business team did decide you need to raise prices and you simply thought we'd be upset with that alone, so including the skin was just a nice attempt to make it not so bad. Which would be true if the case. But like I said, it certainly feels more deceptive than not. I think it would be a good idea for y'all to provide some transparency on the matter.

I'm fully aware all you have to do is say "uh yeah sure what you said, we included it to make it nicer cause we HAD to increase prices! hehe"...but I guess I'm asking you to convince us of this a bit better. Otherwise we see no reason you can't provide the original bundle of just the characters for the discounted price.

I, like many others, will not be buying (for the first time since 2016 in my case) until we get some clarity on the matter. Though I'm sure you don't feel compelled to act for that reason alone as the ones who do buy anyways offset the difference in profit of those who no longer are. But I implore you to compare the number of purchases to one of the DLCs with the old discount such as Stanger Things. Is it really worth getting more money if less people are buying? And either way, consider just respecting your loyal fanbase. That's all we ask if we are to continue supporting.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,177

    Hate to burst your bubble but they will probably never address this, as it'd probably draw more eyes to it than you or I complaining about it. Most people are just indifferent

    The CMs/Mods on the forums here aren't allowed to talk about it I would imagine, as they clearly are paying attention to the threads being made about it. It's probably some upper management decision to try and milk more money from the consumers by adopting common F2P game strats as I've heard DBD is not the only live service game trying this 'forced bundle' tactic.

    It sucks but all we can really do is talk about it, ignore the people who call us entitled - speak your mind.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Considering they used to give cosmetics with chapter bundles before the price increase I'm gonna assume adding the "bonus" cosmetic is not a way to make it up to us but a method to make the buyer think they're getting a deal.

    And I don't think mods would ever talk about business decisions or that BHVR will make an official statement about this (I'm not sure what that would even look like tbh, there's not really anything to say)