How to make "Made for This" more fair

nerf +3% to only +2% and the speed boost is completely disabled in endgame
the secondary effect with endurance stays the same, so overall it will still be a decent perk that you might wanna run together with dead hard
I would just make it have two tokens that last 30 seconds when injured, and the second token activates when fully healed.
After that, it is disabled for the rest of the trial, and remove the endurance entirely.
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obviously that would make the perk useless. with my nerfed version the perk will be pretty balanced. the only killer that is badly affected by a +2% is doctor, he slows himself down too much. so they need to increase his movement speed while shocking
Post edited by XenoPuppy on0 - then everybody not using MFT would get screwed over? No thanks.
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doctor is not that strong , slowing himself down a bit less won´t make him overpowered. made for this is a massive problem right now, that´s for sure, making it time limited is definetely also a thought in the right direction, so "snowball777" is not entirely wrong
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I don't think that's enough of a nerf. 2% is still impactful with MFT's activation condition and the Endurance is still overkill. The perk does not need both of those strong effects.
Personally I think it needs a more strict activation condition and/or needs to be time-limited. A permanent speedboost just for being injured is bad design.
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when you are exhausted it doesn´t work though. you sacrifice a good reliable exhaustion perk like "lithe" and "sprint burst" for a small +2% speed bonus while injured, that will extend the chase only by a few seconds in most cases. the endurance effect doesn´t come into play that often, survivors are very vulnerable while healing anyway, so having perks to play around that is completely fine in my opinion
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I mean, while technically more fair, it doesn't make the perk actually fair.
You get an infinite speed boost by virtue of being injured. Besides, it went from extending the catch up for a typical killer by 20% to 15%; it's still a sizable amount with no counterplay, and largely cripples the weaker killers while (at best) annoying the strongest ones.
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it extends the catch up from 20% to 13,3% actually. the thing is most killer have a chasing power. Whether the survivor moves at 103,102 or 100% percent, a hatchet, tentacle, bird strike etc. can hit them anyway. and those killers with no chasing power have bloodlust. even bloodlust tier 1 gives the killer a massive +5% speed boost. if you think about it, an exhaustion perk like lithe can actually completely reset bloodlust, in some cases you will be glad it´s just an injured 102% survivor
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yeah making it work like lucky break sounds like a good idea. for me personally I think "made for this" has a nice place in the current meta though. it creates a lot more variety. without it 95% of survivors will just run lithe, sprint burst and balanced landing. right now the cute version of dead hard has a bit of a come back or many just run "made for this" on its own. with my nerf suggestion it won´t be that obnoxious anymore
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I don't see anything wrong with MFT, people slightly overrate the perk. Sure, for some killers it can be very painful, but you can just get better at using those killers or get better at Killer in general.
Made For This rewards smart looping and the Endurance rewards healing others while the Killer is near them.
People are trying to overbalance the game, which in turn makes playing the game unfun. We should be focusing on some important matters such as giving certain Killers add-on overhauls, reworking Killers, reworking maps, buffing weak perks and etc.
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Please stop punishing survivors for winning. mft just should just be 2%
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@crustydustysock234 unbalanced is only fun for one side, a good tryhard nurse will kill everyone at 5 or 4 gens, every survivor has a few seconds long chase, what about that is fun? the other extreme is a weak chasing killer like pig getting infinite looped by a tryhard survivor team with made for this. nothing about that is engaging or counteractive. just people abusing overpowered stuff to gain an unfair advantage over the other side, so really it doesn´t matter how well you play then
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Variety? All I see is the exact same, uninspired build when mft is used:
- Mft, Resi, WoO, Hope
And thats such potent combo that it actually KILLS variety!
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that´s why it should be nerfed obviously ( and deactivated in endgame)