Bug -- Xenomorph Rancor / Game Afoot Exploit

thebequh Member Posts: 25
edited September 2023 in Bug Reporting

Platform: PC / Program: Steam

Map: Azerov's Junkyard

Killer: Xenomorph

Killer Offering: Cypress Mori

Survivors: Dwight [self], Steve, David, Elodie

Killer Perks: No One Escapes Death, No Way Out, Rancor, Game Afoot

Killer Add-ons: Emergency Helmet, Kane's Helmet

Dwight Perks: We'll Make It, Kindred, Distortion, Adrenaline

David Perks: Tenacity, Power Struggle, Flip-Flop, Unbreakable

Steve Perks: Background Player, Resilience, Hope, Flash Bang

Elodie Perks: Kindred, We'll Make It, Borrowed Time, Lither

Description of Issue: During this match, while the gates were powered but not opened, the Obsession was first to go down because of NOED and was Mori'd. I was second to go down, and she went after Steve and downed him. Steve was picked up off the ground, dropped, and then became the obsession because of Game Afoot as soon as he was dropped to the ground, thus because of Rancor, making him Moriable. David was downed, and same operation. Xenomorph picked up David, dropped him on the ground, and he became the obsession because of Game Afoot as soon as he touched the ground, and then mori'd. I was mori'd using the Cypress Mori, and was not the obsession, but there is clearly a glitch where Game Afoot is activating by picking up a downed survivor and then dropping them back on the ground as an exploit. As a note, she did not allow any of us to stun her or get off her shoulder by filling her struggle bar. It is important to note that Game Afoot activates by simply picking up a survivor on your shoulder, and then dropping them. It doesn't make sense that Game Afoot would activate if there was no active chase, but simply the survivor being picked up and then dropped to the ground to force the Obsession to change to that downed survivor.

Attached is the screenshot of the end game to show that we were all mori'd; two of them because of this exploit.

How to duplicate: Load Steam on PC, open Dead by Daylight. Use any killer, select a Cypress Mori, load the Azerov map, make sure the perks Rancor and Game Afoot are used. Other two are irrelevant, but no other perks or add-ons for killer that may change the obsession. Play until all gens are completed and the gates are powered. Down the obsession first, mori them. Down the next survivor, pick them up, drop them to the ground, see if the perk Game Afoot turns them into the obsession while they are on the ground. Mori them if it succeeds. Rinse and repeat.

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