Tunneling needs to be adressed



  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    Not always, things like the flamethrowers require all survivors to be partaking in the mechanic positioning them properly, it's not as simple these days as the 1v1, knowing when to get rid of skully's drones while someone is in chase, knowing if you need to help someone with Larry's EMP's, bringing a first aid spray to a hooked survivor.

    Lots of stuff in solo Q a lot of people overlook, and its creating incredibly one sided games, pair that with perks like STBFL which require co-ordination to counter upon identifying the perk, the gap can widen more and more.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    By logic alone, if tunneling / slugging / camping was happening at the rate yall claim it is, then the stats would show an increase in counterperks.

    For example, alot more players would equip reassurance, OTR, Unbreakable, boon:expo , DH, etc etc. To counter the "unsavory tactics"

    But instead we see chase builds much more often with mft,resi,windows,hope,adren , etc etc.

    It makes no sense to "suffer from a problem" yet refuse to change your build around in order to address it.


    For example, if you identify that you have a problem getting your first chase as killer, you'll consider putting on lethal persuer.

    Struggling to find that last pesky survivor? Start using ultimate weapon.

    And so on and so on.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Yeah probably problem is killers use the tool right at the start but so do survivors use gen rushing tool. Both needs some fixing then the game can become more balanced along pipping system updated. I would find ideal balance 5 hooks before first kill. The game would not need huge changes for that to happen.

    Now I figure it is quite common to take someone out with the first 3-4 hooks of the game that's only really problematic tunneling it's same as you play killer and 2-3 gens pop in first chase. I think corrupt invertion really should be basekit in some form. Swf should get nerfed bit and as now killers really rely winning soloQ teams.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    Ye, cause in soloQ you are responsible of the skill level and behavior of the other survivors whil you can't even communicate with them right ?

    Same if survivors do not do gens, it is your own fault right ?

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Of course, every behaviour or action in this game is situational. If an unhooked survivor body blocks with BT then they are fair game. But if someone decides to go after an unhooked survivor to punish them for what their teammates do, regardless of the circumstance, you can't really call that fair for the person being unhooked.

    When I say bad design, what I'm saying is that the least fun aspects of the game should not be built into the game's systems. The easiest option to win should not be the least fun for everyone involved in the match. Because the majority of players will gravitate towards the easiest option to win, and if that option is miserable to play against, you have most of the players having matches they don't enjoy. Running a 3 gen with SM is incredibly effective at winning, but BHVR is changing things so she can't keep doing that because it's awful to play against. BHVR should build the game so it doesn't empahsize and encourage the least fun aspects of it.

    In regards to your advice, when I see some poor survivor get grabbed at the start of the match, and abused on the hook till they kill themselves, I am not left with neutral feelings. I watched someone utilise this game's mechanics to grief the first person the found to the point that the survivor was willing to eat the DC penalty to get out. I shouldn't feel neutral about that. It's not about the game's mechanics, it's about how the player is using those mechanics to treat another person.

    Lastly, being light hearted in DBD has never got someone killed. I assume you are referring to real life, but I'm fairly certain not being light hearted also gets people killed, so I'm not really certain how to respond to that.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited September 2023

    Agree with the sentiment, but the reality is people tunnel no matter what, they go fo the unhooked player deliberately. This game is essentially glorified tag.

    Imagine being on the playground, and you're playing bulldog. The person in the middle trying to stop everyone crossing just chases their crush all the time and never goes for anyone else. That person is constantly caught and unable to cross, and everyone else is bored, cause they never get chased.

    When their crush gets upset, you say "it doesn't matter, it's just a game... don't take it seriously". Yeah... but then whyare we playing it? Noone is having fun, and while it's not against the rules, it goes against the spirit of the game.

    In DBD, we the playerbase define that spirit, and I don't think anyone thinks "Yeah, tunnelling 1 playing out is so much fun, and what this game should be all about". You can do it, but it sucks...

    However my own experience as survivor is, I want to take any fun perks, but if I do that I'm rolling the tunnel dice... if I don't have good chase perks to get-away, or as many anti tunnel perks as possible... the my fun perks build is just gonna die to tunneling.

    I refuse to tunnel and camp personally, even when going for challenges and adepts, unless someone repeatedly keeps walking into my arms. Do unto others and all that.

  • Sha7de
    Sha7de Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Even when I’m SWF I still get tunneled 6/10 of my games. It is so annoying. It seems like killers will purposely tunnel survivors that attempt to save friends either with a flashlight, pallet, body block, or protection hit. Every time I do this I get tunneled out of the game.

    Now with the new anti-camping update they don’t stick around the hook but as soon as I’m unhooked they come and attack me and put me right back on the hook.

    BHVR we need something done about this incredibly hacky play-style as I know your team did not develop this game for that kind of activity.

    Sidenote: it seems that with nearly every update killers keep getting buffed (aside from SM) and survivors keep getting nerfed. Especially with the upcoming Made For This nerf. Killers literally get bloodlust and they make up ground. It isn’t even that powerful.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Drop this suggestion again when the devs decide if DBD should be a competitive or party game.

    Their refusal to set a clear direction is the reason why arguments like this will never be resolved. Some people play this game competitively, some don’t. There is no right answer at the moment and everyone is lumped into the same queue.

    Tunneling could be a bannable offense, harsher measures could be implemented too. Why are devs just implementing bandaids? Because they don’t want to turn people off from playing Killer when the role distribution isn’t even stable yet.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Usually the argument is they balance to the top 1% because if killer is balanced to soloq then killers will get stomped playing against the top 1%. SO? Don't they already get stomped by the top 1% anyway? Seems killers want to stomp soloq but dont want to be stomped by the top survivors, hypocritical I'd say.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    They would never make it a bannable offense because as they have said in their previous posts, you cannot account for every niche scenario. Tunnelling is a part of the game and if a killer wants to do it no measures that you can put in will stop it.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    Whos reaching these 500 kill streaks? Are you sure they are not just losing sbmm off stream? Because trust me when you win that much you'll face quite efficient survivors. Or is the person just cheating and not playing vanilla?

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    despite of dbd being competetive or casual, tunneling is unhealthy

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    That depends on the state of the game. If the game is about a chill, party game, they could give the tunneled Survivor no collision invulnerability until they perform a conspicuous action, it’s whether they want to. This would make things imbalanced from a competitive perspective tho, which leads back to competitive vs casual party game

    Tunneling is common in competitive dbd, if it anything it has been accepted as a necessary evil.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968

    well, stop using chase and gen perks, use off the record, ds, dh, sprint burst, something, and chase is the most fun part of the game right? also, play with your friends

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    "Tunneling is common in competitive dbd, if it anything it has been accepted as a necessary evil."

    Or game could be balanced the way tunneling is not necessary anymore?

    As i said, its unhealthy and should be removed, maybe not hard removed if its necessary (tho i dont think it is. I never needed that, and even devs said that killrates should be around 60%, not 100%), maybe removed with some compensation buffs for the killer, maybe removed with total overhaul of game rules, but removed nonetheless.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Then that opens a whole new problem where that survivor could harass you whilst you were trying to pressure other people and then there is literally 0 you can do about it.

    Again I think promoting tunnelling is unhealthy, but it fundamentally cannot be stopped. The best bet is to make it hard enough where the killer has to throw the match to do it.