I was just told I was selected to test out hiding prestige's in game lobby's. I do not think it is a good idea to even think about doing this because I personally and all my friends I brought it up to agree that the whole point of prestiging is to show off your time and effort put into the game. I hope that BHVR doesn't actually do this. The only reason I see to do this would be to stop tunneling, but that doesn't seem enough reason to me. Feel free to comment what you think about this! P.S, I get tunneled no matter the prestige anyway :).
Hiding prestige would be more for the lobby dodges, at least that's what I think. Most of the time, killers will dodge out of a lobby if the prestige of any of the survivors are too high for easy games.
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Hiding prestige is necessary.
16 -
I think it should be optional to show prestige if you want and hide if you want to. I would also like to show off my prestige and effort I have done. It does give me idea what kind of players I will play agains't or with.
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It's not.
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But why do you think so?
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Excellent point I do think if it were implemented it would need to be optional. I've spent much time prestiging and want to show people!
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It does far more harm than good.
It should be hidden.
5 -
It does far more damage to the game than is immediately apparent.
It promotes lobby dodging on both sides, but mainly Killer. This negatively impacts matchmaking in a MASSIVE way. Not only that, but it helps cultivate a culture where people who dare to dedicate time to something get BM'd in many fashions
10 -
People can still be showing off the Prestige in the results screen. Maybe it doesn't look as good when being beaten by a non-Prestiged opponent, but it is still shown off.
Taking the Prestige off when in lobbies simply prevents people from skipping lobbies because they have an uninformed opinion of their fellow (or rival) survivors. It's a good thing it's been removed.
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I honestly don't have an issue with matchmaking at all, I may have one killer who dodges a lobby once a day but its not that serious. I do think if you feel like your constantly BM'd for you prestige it should be your choice to hide it. I do not think the game should chose for you.
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Besides what pulsar said...
The prestige still shows in the end game screen/lobby if showing off matters this much to you.
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I average 3 dodges per lobby as a P100.
Good luck if you load into a lobby with another P100.
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Yes it shows in end game but by then I don't care and probably most everyone as well to look and see I'm ready for the next game. I like seeing the prestiges before the game I guess.
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They should either allow you to opt INTO showing prestige in the pre-game lobby, or simply only be visible in the endgame lobby.
Everyone wins.
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Pretty mcuh 100% agree to what pulsar said.
In addition, on "the player can decide if they want to show or hide it": in theory a very nice idea and definitely worth a try but my suspicion is that people will just assume you have a very high prestige if you feel the need to hide it which would change nothing. I assume bhvr has the tools to measure how many lobbys were dodged and if there is a significant difference in dodging rates.
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Making it optional would also let players test how often they get tunneled showing VS not showing, to see for themselves
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it does not, i play killer mainly and can say for sure survivor prestige has zero correlation to his skill level. I can obliterate full p100 lobby(happened only twice, but still, both were 4k for me), horribly lose to zero prestige.
If i ever dodge, its when i have 4 survivors with the same skin. It does not neccesary mean its SWF that will destroy me, but its just annoying to deal with them, since you cant memorize them having exhaustion perk, BT, etc...
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guess they wanna feel important or something... want people to look at them and go "OMG THEY PLAYED THIS GAME A LOT!".
otherwise... I got nothing.
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Keep it hidden. It'll at least lower the risk of lobby dodges. In turn, mmr outliers will be lowered as well because they have said, the system will prioritize finding players at a wider mmr bracket from you if the queue times get too long.
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I feel bad everytime I have 2 or more killers dodge just for me to get matched with a baby killer. Prestige being hidden should be a thing until the end lobby. I can't even play my main anymore because it just takes too long to find a match, even longer if my lobby has another high prestige.
There is no real reason to keep it shown. Especially because it doesn't have any correlation to skill, this fact doesn't stop people from thinking that it does though.
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You figured me out :) I didn't spend all this time prestiging my characters to not show it off. At the end of the day if BHVR decides to go through with it then so be it just wanted my opinion heard is all.
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It isn't hidden at end game.
But again, the easy fix to all this is simple. Your perks and items are locked once you enter the lobby. Both sides see the other or neither side sees the other (perks and items locked so no reason for anyone to see anyone actual). If you leave the lobby, it is treated like a DC.
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Hmmm…no dodging, healthier matchmaking and no targeting individuals anymore versus you showing off. Yes, I do wonder what would be better for the health of the game…
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That is nice that you see it that way, but most Killers do not.
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If you have the option to hide prestige, anyone who does will be assumed to be a P100 player. Lobbies would still get dodged and the matchmaking would stay the same. It might actually get worse.
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Not if it was opt-in that you need to click every time. It would be cumbersome enough for large population to not have it (and so it would be hard to lobby-shop).
Then again I would give it 1 day until someone ask to make the choice permanent if implemented
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I have not seen much harm. Killers dodge for any reason watching players hours or items or skins. Then just all should be hidden. Killers should not see survivors at all until match start...
I personally have not seen prestiges having that much effect on dodging anyway. So for me positives beat negative. I want to show my character prestige level to everyone. It kinda takes away from prestiging when you can't show it.
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It’s really not. I run with a p100 squad and we don’t really get dodged much. If it’s just going to be hidden, what was the point of even changing the prestige system in the first place?
Not to mention, tons of people have p100’s now. It’s not some crazy thing anymore.
Edit- the amount my squad gets dodged has not changed since this testing started. Nor has tunneling / targeting / bm’ing.
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Ideally also names and absolutely do not allow opening steam profile (or any other equivalent for other platforms) before the game starts. After it ends, sure. Show everything. I would be OK with also showing MMR
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They can see your prestige AFTER the game is over.
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That's a really good point. In addition to the lobby shopping issues, individual players will be surprised to see how often they are targeted.
Showing it after the trial is fine, and so is making it optional.
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I'd like to see them test no lobbies at all, just match by MMR and start the trial. That would also eliminate that last second swapping bs survs can do.
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Then hiding prestige changes nothing for you, since you can still just dodge 4mans in the same skins
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Which is something I've always found odd myself...
I've played against 0 level characters who have juiced the ever loving crud out of me... and p100s who run into walls, head in a straight line without looking back, and can't mind game for toffee.
Weirdly rank 40-46 players typically give me the most trouble... but the more I play, the more I realise, character rank doesn't mean jack in identifying skill 🤨
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wont you still be able to show it off after the game is over though?
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I have neither a strong position on this one way or the other but just wondering regarding your two points (displaying the effort and gauging what others will be like) - wouldn’t the end game show prestige to others anyway? Also I would say that the vast majority of people who play swf won’t care because they’d familiar, and for solo, the vast majority of people even when we can see prestiges end up having frustrating games (countless comments and complaints about soloQ).
The potential danger is that when we can see someone’s prestige and presume they’ll be good or competent at certain things (yet still potentially disappointed because of the soloQ effect) OR we presume they’ll be awful and.. I presume dodge? Or play a particular way (perhaps more cautious etc).
Just throwing into the mix as I don’t mind either way. However anything that can help against tunnelling and lobby dodging is certainly worth exploring no?
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If I can't see it that doesn't make it any less likely that folks are going to dodge.
It's just going to make folks treat every lobby as if it there is someone with a p100 character in there. So folks will just dodge at the same rate, but for a different reasoning.
I dodge lobbies if the vibes are bad, if there is more than one toolbox, if suspect I've been backfilled. If someone doesn't feel up to playing with you the hidden prestige isn't gonna change that much at all.
I wanna have fun and be mildly challenged which is not an experience I get with p100 survivors cause usually the ones I encounter all have the same hyper competitive loudmouth jerk mentality they can't wait to unload after a match. I simply do not want folks like that in my games in any way at this point in life and when I started dodging p100's fairly consistently wouldn't you know, I saw a decrease in folks with that hyper competitive ego trip and increase in fun whether I won or lost.
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Then they will eventually hide everything and you'll see nothing but a silhouette.
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Dont worry. Surely they will let us choose in settings if we want to hide it or not. Just like they did with wiggle skillchecks, oh wait...
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Doubtful and if they did I'd just leave the game entirely
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Why would P100 player hide it? They are the ones who want to show it the most.
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I think I dodge even more than before because im not seeing prestiges so if lobby just looks sweaty I dodge.
But hard disagree on your last point P100 is more likely to be decent player and that does not mean being jerk. Just they like dbd and enjoy playing it's not bad thing. I think it's all your imagination. I had just P100 meg who I though was baby survivor. P100 just means they have used all their bp on one character and play a lot.
Best survivors I have seen have been under 5 prestige and most bully survivors too. They don't use high prestige characters because they want killer to focus on them. Inexperienced/casual killers are more likely dodge based on prestiges and those killers bully squad want to bully.
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It's my confirmation bias after many games of p100s speedrunning to set the world record of how fast they can say the most wild and reportable stuff. I know it isn't absolutely all of them, but let's be clear from my experience it has been a plurality of the ones I've encountered on pc and I find that I have a better both during and after games that do not feature them. Everybody's experience in this game is going to differ and we're gonna encounter different sorts of players for a multitude of different reasons.
I tend to encounter p100 survivors who've went from having at some point to thinking that their the best thing since sliced bread and that they have the right to lay into you if you're not playing to whatever personal standards they have or because made a mistake that cost them. I don't have a single character at p100 because for as long as I have been playing the game which basically since release I didn't bother to prestige and I don't sit on a single character long enough to dump points into them more than necessary.
It's not about the skill level it's about the kind of energy and behavior folks that I have personally encountered. So for me I do not want to play with any p100s if I can help it since my luck usually gets me jerks. It makes my experience infinitely better mentally and I value you my mental comfort more than a p100's matchmaking.
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You'd quit the game if there were no lobbies to see?
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I value the ability to see what I'm potentially dealing with so I can either prepare effectively or back out.
Once I have no idea what I'm dealing with after years of having access to that knowledge then I see no reason to stay.
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Wow. Since I'm on Xbox we have almost nothing to see as for other players' info. In most of my trials everyone has that globe next to them. So losing the lobby altogether would have a smaller impact on me, and most likely many other consolers as well.
My issue with lobby shopping is the awful backfills that are created whenever any player yeets on out, in either role, but it seems to be a much bigger problem with killers leaving.
So long as backfills work as they currently do, not having lobbies at all and/or not providing player info I feel should be tested.
Do you have a another suggestion that they could try with their current backfilling system to reduce lobby dodging and allow their matchmaking to do it's thing? Because I don't.
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The only fix I can think of is just adding different modes to the game so people can sort of better tailor their experience to what they are looking for.
Like there are a ton of players who only want to play against very strong opponents and in optimal ways.
There should be a mode for them to sort of gather in and just have at it. I'm just really used to setting my build up based on what I see survivors bringing into the game and I'm also a very vibes based player who backs out if it doesn't feel right or if there is more than one toolbox.
I would say switch to drop-in/drop-out matchmaking so games could go back to starting with fewer players like in the old days, but now with the benefit that someone can be thrown into a match in progress to take the place of a bot. It wouldn't really help much for lobbyshopping by the killer, but it would sort of solve backfill once you had a killer.
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Interesting take you have on the lobbies you see.
I just wish dodging wasn't so dang destructive to the matchmaking. Their system has only one shot at a fair-ish match, just one. With the community's stated preference for queue times over quality trials the dodging poops on it all. And the longer anyone waits the looser it gets.
There must be a better way.
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Lobby dodging wouldn’t be an issue if matchmaking being expanded to be more loose was removed.
The choice to show prestige levels could be optional though. It feels like a waste but it is what it is.