Hex: Face the darkness on killers that require you to do constant skill checks need to change. I just faced a Pig on Dead Dog Soloon and every survivor just gave up as you just couldn't do anything.
Try to do gens, you scream gen blows up
Try to heal, killer is running Sloppy, you scream heal goes back to zero
Try to cleanse, you scream, cleanse goes back to zero
And to even cleanse you still need to find the damp totem and do you think we could on this map, HELL NO.
2 suggested changes either or but I do believe one of these needs to be added
When cleansing the totem if you scream the cleansing does not go back to zero
Give the totem the same aura as plaything thing hex totems for whoever it is attached to.
The perk is already terrible, what you want to make it completely redundant? Its not even reliable either since the one who is injured can cleanse it just fine and even if the killer chases them the whole time, they can't down them because it'll end the effect
Not to mention you can literally spawn right next to thrill of the hunt and get it out immediately