visual filters and campfires

Demodoggoz Member Posts: 6
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

can we get visual filters in the game? like cool movie filters people could mess around with. such as a classic 50s movie filter, a vintage static, or 80s vhs static. and on a slightly different note, is it possible to change the lobby background/campfire? such as buying the silent hill chapter and being able to change the background to the silent hill campfire same with other chapters.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    They could probably get so much money if they just sold backgrounds, maybe even with shards, not just Auric Cells... Same goes for moris and so on... I myself don't buy/use cosmetics in any game, but most people enjoy this stuff so why not do more than just outfits for the characters.

    However I would really like there to be the option to just turn off all cosmetics on your screen, because sometimes it is rather hard to tell who the survivor is... So that would be nice for clarity. If I cannot tell survivors apart it is tough to decide who to go for... And that might just lead to frustration on both sides.