One thing to make trapper's life easier, which he needs.

Let us have all the traps in our hands at the beginning of the game, don't make it unique for trapper's sack.

Trapper sack is useless without iri addon anyway and its purple addon, which is crazy.


  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 147

    That's a popular proposal for Trapper but I don't think it fixes many of his core issues. Having all your traps just enables his 'lockdown' play style where you get a survivor in basement or similar and camp with traps all around, which is not fun and not even reliable, but is still his only viable approach 99% of the time.

    If BHVR wants to buff Trapper (which I don't think they do), I'd reorganise the logic of where his traps spawn so they're not left in useless peripheries of the map. I'd also make it that instead of taking several seconds to set a trap, Trapper can drop them instantly and they take a second or two to activate. Some of his addons would need a rework but they probably needed it anyway.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 373

    Then another fix to basement camping trapper would be adding setting trap radius which doesn't allow him to place traps around the hook, both vertically and horizontally.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited September 2023

    Sadly you can't fix Trapper's core issues, because Trapper is fundamentally incompatible with modern DBD, thats why there are no more trap killers than him and Hag. Closest is Skull Merchant.... so no amount of buffs are gonna make him viable, while also being a fair and balanced killer.

    Trapper's Sack is a very specific play style that encourages hard-core 3 gen and or basement camp. Trapper kinda needs this power as a potential threat, but it shouldn't be his core playstyle.

    I made a similar argument here:

    So if we accept he cant be meta, make him at base fun to play. Give him:

    • Trappers Bag basekit.
    • Lengthened Jaws basekit.
    • Grab the furthest unopened trap out of a locker on 45 sec CD.

    More detail in my post, but in short, this keeps patrol Trapper as an option with some much needed smoothing out of that style of gameplay.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Tapper is a demolisher of baby survivors (but which killer isn't?), even if player is newbie. We should not buff this starting character since he is already the top on this niche. We should buff his advanced gameplay to make him better against better survivors. He has very low skill flor, but also one of lowest skill ceiling, and due to this, he struggle with decent teams.

    Baby survivors really struggle with spotting his traps, while advanced players disarm them just after being armed. One thing that would help him, is to make those traps semi transparent. Baby survs will not feel the difference, while in higher lvl plays, he would perform at least a little better