Why i play skull merchant

So talking about a killer that's incredibly controversial, I'll be honest and straight up. Yes I play her in a 3 gen defence way, to me there's no other way of playing her effectively. If you're playing a chase playstyle then you're effectively shooting yourself in the foot so to speak.
So I'm unfortunately one of those people who can't help but have somewhat of a competitive mindset. It's not that I don't mind loosing, I'd just much prefer a 3k and move onto next match. That to me is a win condition. Yes I know I could do that with nurse, spirit, other S tiers or even A tier killer's. But at time's when I mess up constantly, I feel like it just gets to me if that makes sense? It messes me up even more and I end up just being pretty unhappy playing the game, especially when people message me saying stuff like "gg ez killer". I don't mind messages but it get old after a while.
So why did i bring this stuff up? Now I love playing her because I find it just incredibly relaxing, now I'm not taking away the fact that it's incredibly boring or unfair to face, that's a whole other issue. But something about just listening to a podcast or some music while chilling and playing dbd feels nice. Yes I know the killer gets alot of backlash due to this playstyle, but I'm not doing it to be malicious or mean, or to even sour someone's mood. I like doing it because it's something I find relaxing to do and not having to stress or worry feels so good.
So if you've read this far, I do apologise for posting quite a lengthy post, I do understand how frustrating it is to see someone enjoy a playstyle that is widely despised, but I do hope by reading this you can see the point of the topic. While I can understand how it is to face something like this, I also hope you can understand the other side of the coin.
Thank you for reading this, I once again apologise for such a length post. <3
You can play however you want and are free to like whatever playstyle, just don't expect people to be happy about being stuck in a 3gen game because you have no malicious intent.
It's like "toxic" swf, most of the time they have no malicious intent and are just having fun with their friends, but it doesn't mean the killers facing their anti-hook builds are going to enjoy it.
That's why I usually say we shouldn't take things personally, most people aren't trying to actively ruin your fun, they're just not taking it into consideration (which is fine).
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I 100% agree, of course it's silly to expect people to be happy about facing certain thing's, but I think waging war against one another is even more sillier. So I think you're right!
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maybe play a different killer if you truely care about chase potential.
Instead of using a dull knife and making a mess of our salad and blaming it on the knife you chose to use. you can use a sharp one until the other one is sharpened fixed.
making excuses for abusing a dev oversight is just pathetic im sorry( goes for any abuse that happen not just chess merchants)
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IMO there are dozens of ways of relaxing that do not involve ruining other peoples' evening, many of which don't involve juggling the seemingly contradictory points of doing that relaxing activity while also maintaining a competitive mindset.
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First of you can do what you want.
But that is not an competitive mindset bc this games miss the challenge. You just dont want to lose. There is a difference.
I mean with this argumentation you could also use an exploit or even cheat.
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No offense dude, but it just sounds like you don't like to play dbd... Because what this sounds to me is you don't like chase interaction but rather a relaxing game, with rather repetivie input from your side... I used to play wow like that some time ago while watching a movie or something but the question is do you actually like what you are doing or do you just want to do something while you are listening to a podcast or whatever.
Also why don't you play against bots then? I mean playing this style clearly shows that you don't care about the chase, OK I guess, but why ruin other people's day then by playing it against them?
Also as for chill games while watching a movie, just try an mmo or hack and slay thing like path of exile or something like that. Like I said, to me it seems like you don't really care what you re doing in the meantime, because that gameplay is not really engaging or anything, so you might as well try something else where you don't ruin 4 other people's day...
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Play against bots and dont ruin the others experience. The things that you are saying that you can even listen to a podcast while playing, just says that SM is completely busted and needs no skill or concentration to play as. Certainly if you like that playstyle, you dont like DbD.
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... but man...
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Nah I enjoy dbd plenty, but I find chase to be fun too!
Please re-read, I said I find the SM style relaxing
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I 100% love dbd, I find the game super fun and engaging. But I also have to say that at times I like doing other things too, I enjoy the chase (I've been playing xeno almost non stop since release) so I definitely enjoy that aspect of the game.
But what I'm saying is, I enjoy also just relaxing and having a chill time. Again no offense taken, I get where you're coming from, but I find relaxing more on dbd is way more fun than an mmo
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Ok, but then tell me what makes playing against bots different with your strat than against players? Besides the point where the players will have a miserable time and call you out for it.
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If you find it relaxing, it’s fine, my opinion when i played as SM is that her is so boring and it’s fine too. The issue with SM comes in what you like about her, when you play as killer you need to hear, be focused on what the survs are doing. That’s why i’m saying there’s apparently no point for you to play as SM against true players instead of bots, since you don’t care about what survivors are doing / will do. You just care about your 3 gen and camping it until the endgame, so why don’t do that against bots instead of runining the 4 survivors experience? It won’t affect your experience, and you won’t ruin others. It’s not an order, just a suggestion, because when i play against SM and see that she protects her 3 gen, i go right to her to kill myself on hook, it’s just not fun to play against a killer that ignores the fun part of DbD.
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Play like you want to play.
But don't be upset if you in a 4man bot lobby.
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Local player enjoys taking lobbies hostage, more at 6.
This is literally the exact reason SM needs to go.
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I say this in the most respectful way possible, but it sounds like you just wanna feel entitled to a win by playing a killer that sounds more like an exploit than actually strong at this point. I mean do you but you have to know there is gonna be backlash for that on many occasions
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Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
BHVR knew exactly what they were doing when they released skull merchant.
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You can still hate the player, because there are many other killers to play that actually offer gameplay, and Skull Merchant does not have any of that. You put a drone at a gen and camp it, there is really not much to learn or outplay or get good at or anything. This killer just offers nothing and I simply don't understand what people could possibly enjoy about it.
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They enjoy the easy wins you get with her. As you said, there is nothing to learn, but she is still quite "strong". Low skill floor killers with a high power level have always attracted people who just want to win without doing anything
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It’s kinda fun how her difficulty to play in the game says “Hard” lol
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It honestly sounds like you have a competitive mindset (you admit as much in your post) but don't want to put in any of the work on mechanics or game sense. That's certainly your prerogative, but what is your plan when that playstyle is reworked?
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how can you be both relaxed and competitive? how does playing "competitively" without putting the tiniest bit of effort feel like? does it satisfy you?
since you made this post for us to comment, i'll judge. you are just enjoying free wins with survivors giving up left and right.
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Reads first paragraph in the post and find out you're a 3 genner skull merchant
Not to sound harsh but here's a suggestion to that playstyle
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You don't have to justify (or rationalize) to this community how or why you play.
Are you having fun?
If yes then great keep doing what you're doing.
Its only a game but you wouldn't know it the way people react to it.
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Yeah I’m sorry but if you find that type of gameplay interesting then you might as well just play against bots since there’s no difference to playing against human players other than those players feeling miserable from a long and drawn out game. I want to play DBD, not “chess”.
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No offense but I hope we never cross ways when I play survivor.
I wasn't content with cheaters holding me hostage, I am not content with locker exploiters holding me hostage and I sure am not content with Caitlyn 3Genner holding me hostage.
I am not usually one to condone disconnects or hook suicides (in fact you'll find me pleading for harsher penalties) but I will run up to a 3Gen Merchant and force them to kill me, if it becomes clear that we are not getting out of this anyway. Enjoy your wins but don't expect anyone else to put up with it.
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I'll post a lil additional here just to counter all the negative Nancy's. To the OP if I come up against you as survivor I'll try and break the 3 gen as best I can and die trying if I have to. No hard feelings and GG"s all round.
Its better to burn out than to fade away!
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I have not heard Caitlyn 3Genner yet, but I'm totally gonna steal that phrase, that's a great one dude :D:D
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To each their own, this playstyle and character are a massive blight (no pun intended) on this game but, far be it from me to tell you how to play.
I just don't get why you wouldn't go against bots if you wanted easy stress free risk free wins. Why put other players through something you know is extremely boring and frustration inducing?
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I’m glad you’ve found a way to make the game what it’s supposed to be: enjoyable. I don’t like facing it, but playing killer is stressful because survivors have the potential to bully any killer. It’s no fun to receive “gg ez killer” when you’re trying to have fun on any killer, especially when I play more casually.
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You're free to play the game you want, but so do the survivors you face. For better and for worse, you are the GM of a game and the way you play will define the experience the survivors will have playing against you.
As a survivor, I like repairing gens because I find the experience chill and calming. Failing that, a chase offers some nice thrills and is welcome too. But you're playing a character and playstyle that denies me both of these things and your intent is to be as obnoxious as possible and stretch the proceedings as long as humanely possible.
I'm a killer main and I can't even understand what you enjoy with this playstyle. I play the game to chase people and hunt them down and put them down forever. To me, there's nothing fun with just making progress impossible to achieve. It's just like these terrible gimmicky RPG bosses that spam spells to protect themselves and then continously lower your levels, up to the point where you can't possibly win because you can't damage it at all anymore.
If I see you as a survivor, I will kill myself on hook because I don't play the game for the reason you play the game and the experience you offer me is akin to being kicked in the balls repeatedly. I don't want to face you because it'll be a waste of time for me and you.
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If you want to play like this, play against bots. Don’t subject people to this nonsense and expect anything other than a negative response.
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Why wouldn't you play against bots though if this type of gameplay is what you enjoy?
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At the end of the day, the only responsible for the utter mess that is Skull Merchant is Behaviour. It's absolutely baffling that nothing has been done half a year after her release.
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terrible take
tldr: I like to play stress free and holding ppl hostage til they give up and I get an easy win because any other way is hard
I'll never understand this mindset or like face camping Bubba players, why load into a match to spend it doing essentially nothing? Is it just a dopamine kick for solely from kills as opposed to actually playing the game, chasing, etc?
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I'm sure all those people that glitched into lockers mid chase also just wanted to "relax whilst having a competitive mindset".
3gen Merchant is exploiting poor game/gen location design. It's as simple as that.
In my opinion it should be reportable as it's essentially holding the game hostage.
It's worse than original hostage Doctor. No skill, no thought process, no legit chases.
You just win because at some point people just run out of spare time.
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At least with a face camping bubba the match is progressing unlike a 3 genning skull merchant making progress grind to a halt for 30+ minutes
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ok valid point tbh
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Delete this now!
It's taboo to say you're chilling while playing killer. Killer is supposed to be the only stressful and masochistic role.
Skull Merchant does not exist, it's just a recurring nightmare the DBD community is having.
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Usually there's always a period of time where something like this happens in every competitive game out there, even pro players will take advantage of that. I don't understand why we're reprimanding a player who wants to win in the easiest way possible. Eruption meta was kind of similar and people couldn't even admit it was chill for them but they had to go all about "Actually this strategy has counterplay...just bring Empathy and you let go of the gen when they're about to go down".
In comparison this poster is much more honest, why should we be annoyed at them. This is all on BHVR. If the killer was cooler a lot more people would probably play her, she's considered "cringe" cause of her backstory so she has no general appeal imo.
When and if she gets reworked, they'll probably move to a different killer. Same thing that happens everytime an op killer is reworked (Nurse, Spirit). These people always exist in every kind of game. It's really silly to try to shame them out of playing strong characters.
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Olympic level mental gymnastics.
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You'd be surprised at how many killers would probably do the same if their main or another cool killer had the same strength and low skill floor. The only reason she's not more popular is cause she was handled very poorly in design and background.
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Its giving "this is me, if you even care :/"
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"Yeah, but I'm having fun... " is an attitude that hurts a lot of online games. It's a selfish mindset that people only get away with through the anonymity of the Internet.
On the playground, if you were to say... try and keep hold of the ball and never pass to your team with the same mindset of "Yeah, but I'm having fun...", you'd get reality checked pretty damned fast.
You learn in real life to be selfless and considerate, or at least you learn to pretend to be, because there are actual consequences to getting caught being selfish. Sadly not an option here, so enjoy it, because you can do so without penalty, but the community will never respect you for it, and creating a post that explains your point of view, begs the question "why?".
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Apparently in team fortress 2 in the custom games people just got kicked if they didn't play according to some pre set rules, a good system I would say.
I think the mentality should be if I was playing against my buddies what would I bring and how would I play... Because if you hold your friends hostage for an hour you would not have friends anymore and they would probably just leave and tell you do that stuff somewhere else. I mean yeah sure winning is great and all, but if you have to make everyone else miserable because of it that's just dumb.
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What is this? A moral lesson?
Frankly he's not in the playground nor is he playing in a team. Killer is a solo activity. It's not his job to play in a way you like and vice versa, it's BHVR's job to ensure both parties are having fun. They created Skull Merchant and are currently doing nothing to address her. They're also doing nothing to address the frustration casual players experince being forced to play with sweaty Nurses, Blights, Skull Merchants and etc. instead of making two modes to pander to both crowds that have conflicting interest (one crowd wanting to chill and another to sweat).
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He is still interacting with other people and that does not change just because it is not in person but over the internet. Some communities self regulate more than dbd...
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Communities that self-regulate are usually tiny and sometimes die for it.
In fighting games there used to be a bunch of arbitrary rules people would set like no grabs or some OP move. I don't think they would have survived if the devs just let those communities self-regulate. Instead fighting games got both a grab button and the ability to break a grab as well as extensive combos (combos started as a bug btw).
The devs can very well help this game develop and become better than it currently is, moralizing over a video that adults play and comparing it to playground lessons is kind of silly. What's next we should bully and demean the weakest survivor/killer we come across because that's what happens in playgrounds?
You cannot be asking from people across the world to self-regulate according to your standards. Different places come up with different codes of honor. The people that post here aren't a hivemind and probably players from the US, EU and Asia differ a lot on their perception of what is ok and what isn't.
People who play competitive games play broken stuff like Skull Merchant all the time, even pro players do it. Are we supposed to punish OP that voiced something that is frowned upon here but might be more widespread than this forum has you believe? If you get this moralistic over a video game and a player you will probably never meet, then I don't know what to say to you.
You know who can regulate things? Well devs can, perhaps you should be asking them to implement changes you want and encourage your point of view instead making it harder and harder to tell if this game is competitive or a party game to begin with.
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I got her when Alien released, and I've been having more fun with her than I thought. It was a bit frustrating at first since I actively tried to avoid three genning, but I got used to a playstyle of placing drones on generators that are getting done and then screwing off to chase a distant survivor. The survivor on the generator will take care of the drone, giving you some haste to help catch the other survivor. When you do catch that survivor and hook them, you can then use the phone to find that survivor and chase them, the claw trap helping to take care of a downed pallet every once in a while.
It's not the strongest chase power, basically just a timed MFT for killer, but the additions of the undetectable status effect, potential instantdowns and decent map knowledge add some interesting options for what to do in different situations. When they reduce her three genning potential, I hope they don’t impact that chase part of her power too much.