Licensed characters suggestion: Mulder and Scully


Hear me out; Mulder and Skully as survivors would be so cool and they fit right in within the realm of the Entity. Even if they're just legendary cosmetics for other survivors, it'd still be super cool. Wouldn't even need to be an X-Files chapter. They could just be in a mid-chapter release like Nic Cage.

Any other X-Files fans in the community??


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,680
    edited September 2023

    This would be great, if bHVR want to make a Killer less Chapter. X-files was a great series. The duo is iconic and fantastic.

    But bHVR needs to make sure they get the likeness of the actor/character right and ofc the theme tune, that is what makes a great movie chapter. The Xeno chapter was great, but the lack of the Actor's likeness is really bad. I know it will cost money and be hard work, but the quality will last a lifetime.

  • patronsaintofpizza

    Yeah, ideally they would use David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson's likenesses and maybe even get them to provide the voices.