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Hemorrhage Status Effect Causes Failed Skillcheck Animation/Sound When You Stop Healing

ArcT Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 107
edited September 2023 in Bug Reporting

This bug has been in the game since the Hemorrhage status effect was changed. It affects all forms of healing, medkit, Self-Care, and altruistic. No other interactions work this way. eg Survivors don't recoil when leaving a generator affected by Hex:Ruin or Fuming Mix Tape. Canceling a Jigsaw Box search doesn't make you flinch. Canceling Snap Out of It doesn't make you scream. Etc.

Note that this does NOT create a loud noise notification, so it's extra inconsistent and impossible for the recipient in altruistic heals to tell if the effect happened because the healer stopped healing or failed a skillcheck, which is an important distinction.


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    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    glad someone actually cared to point this out

    most people either didn't care/too lazy to do it (like me)

    or just thought it was a feature.