Take ping into consideration for lobby making.


Since the game is so sensitive to the ping, wouldn't it be nice that the survivors would also be able to see the killer's ping (just like the killer can see survivor ping) in the lobby?

That would allow suvrivor to at least not be stuck in a match with a 500 ping killer. Knowing how the game can be inscosistent with vaults and pallet drops depending on ping.

All the survivors get, is an incon that tells that the killer is laggy in the match, but by then, it is already too late.

Latelly, I am encountering more and more laggy killers and it isn't fun at all...

Bellow a nice clip of a totally legit hit, feels good.

Before asking me about my internet, I have a gigabyte optical fiber connection and my pc is connected to my router with ethernet, my ping is usually between 30 and 45.

Then, if you tell me that the ping is already taken into consideration for the lobby making... I don't know what to say.


  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 694

    There is nothing more painful than laggy killers istg. I have gotten once hit at the end of my lithe when the killer swang at the window and I had like 50 ping and they had consistent bad ping icon and were teleporting every 3 seconds. I hope one day they can do something about the servers and how connection works, because in most games bad ping punishes you, but in DbD it rewards you (as Killer).

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,779

    There's too many players of DBD located pretty far from the dedicated servers currently available. They certainly need to add three or four more globally, although that's a big cost to absorb.

    I'm not sure why one role can see the ping but not the other. But if showing ping all around leads to even more lobby shopping we are dealing with one issue while drastically worsening another.

  • Aliespress_Ada
    Aliespress_Ada Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2023

    So that means survivors are supposed to take one for the team and play these kind of games (as in the video)?

    I mean, i m pretty sure, there are killers with better ping to be matched with...

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited September 2023

    I don't know where the concept of lag still only benefiting the killer comes from, but damn, it is popular.

    Lag affect negatively or positively both killers and survivors, depending on who is the one with higher latency and the situation, as in any other game with dedicated servers. So, in any case, is everyone with a good connection who has to take one for the people with lag until they add more servers.

  • Aliespress_Ada
    Aliespress_Ada Member Posts: 5

    There is a huge difference that you are not taking into account here.

    While high ping could be unfair on both side, killers get to see the ping of the survivor from whitin the lobby and can chose to dodge a lobby with high ping survivor/survivors.

    On the other hand, survivor cannot and have to play the whole match with a laggy killer. Maybe this is why, you hear more survivors complaning about bad ping killers than the other way around.

    On my example, the POV is from another survivor, so the server deffinitly had the info of my location, but I got grabbed because bad ping killer has bad ping.