"B-but you need to stay injured for MFT value!"



  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah the idea was more a throw out suggestion not really a thought out change.

    Just throwing around concepts that could change up how it works.

    I can't say I've felt greatly hindered as killer by MFT alone, except when playing Scratched mirror Myers on an open map. But you are hindered by so much else in that scenario that MFT just feels like one more issue on top of collective issues.

    Maybe if you get MFT endurance hit you become exhausted thus limiting the double hit and speed burst nature of it post healing.

    It is very powerful and that kind of effect usually requires a build up like PWYF or some vulnerability like totem NOED. Its basically survivor NOED to some extent so maybe it should be a boon. You get the speed and endurance while in the totem radius? Although people would just drop it at strong loops and go there every chase it would get bland fast.

    Maybe it could ramp down in that the first hit gives 3% the second 2% the last 1% so it's strong early but there is diminishing returns as the game progresses rather than a one and done use.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2023

    Yeah but you said the same thing twice with different speed examples. So the topic is covered regardless, here it is in full in case you forgot.

    "Killers can stack pwyf, and noed so hows that different?

    Also pwyf stacks with bloodlust and gives you 15% at max stacks. Add that to bloodlust and a 115 killer becomes a 145."

    Basically "killers can stack speed also did you know killers can stack speed".

    Which was in reply to my comment that neither killer or survivor should stack speed. So we covered this already.

    Post edited by pseudechis on
  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Up haste to 5%, but make it have 30 seconds of duration, which consumes only in chase. And replenishes for healing and unhooking. And make to cause exhaustion for 5 seconds if running in chase.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The idea of it working as some kind of recharging power is an interesting one.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    3% but 2-3 minutes of use without replenishing would be my numbers, but i like the exhaustion part; so it actually can't be used with exhaustion perks, just like mft defenders also claim.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    of course these are just ideas, we aren't the balance team.

    the thing is, idk what killers you are playing but m1s (like myers, idk if you really don't struggle as him against mft but) struggle the most and the stronger killers aren't affected that much. my m1 killers' mmrs are low so i don't struggle as them tbf when i do dailies or challenges but i simply refuse to play huntress. she probably suffers the most along with doc and as you said scratched myers.

    endurance part shouldn't even be a discussion, it's so out of perk's concept and an overload. i love how they take the free hit from a movement speed perk somehow, and continue getting value from the "other half" of the perk. hopefully they sell enough end transmission dlcs so this perk gets its nerf finally my god.

    Maybe it could ramp down in that the first hit gives 3% the second 2% the last 1% so it's strong early but there is diminishing returns as the game progresses rather than a one and done use.

    i like this too, very similar but sounds milder.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    isn't a nerf but more a balance patch

    Ok, let's not nerf MFT. We will just do balance patch of same level and decrease it's effectiveness. Happy now?

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I would do opposite and make it not work of you stay injured for too long. So hit&run actually becomes a counter play and it nerfs synergy with resilience