Please BHVR, don’t mess up the Skull Merchant rework

Skull Merchant is a character i’m weirdly passionate about, she’s so different from the killer cast and i even have a whole essay written as to why i like her character (i know it’s ridiculous but i can easily get attached to characters).
i’ve advocated for a rework for her since the whole “chess” strategy Got popular. As much as i love her, a killer that can turn their brain off and win by constantly kicking gens for an hour is NOT healthy for the game at all.
i mean this with all my heart BHVR, don’t mess this up please. I don’t want her to become a giant trash pick or you accidentally make her into even better 3 genner somehow. Please BHVR, i don’t want to keep receiving death threats over liking her.
My thoughts on how they will fix her:
Drones can no longer be placed.
near generatorsClaw traps increase Survivor movement speed.
Skull Merchant now breaks breakable walls(not pallets) 2000% faster.
We believe that these changes reduce her 3-genning potential while still keeping her a strong killer in chase, and incentivizing deactivating drones.
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There were very little good killer reworks so far. So... I don't think chances are on your side.
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Yeah, same honestly. I really like playing her (and not in a way that makes the game last for an hour).
I hope they lean more into buffing the info/chase aspect of her while toning down her 3 gen potential. Drones could end up being a means to get Claw Traps onto Survivors primarily, which would buff her Chase power significantly and give her tracking.
However, currently, the Claw Traps aren't good enough to warrant a flat nerf to her Drones. She will really need counterbuffs, which I hope will be included with her rework.
Also they should give her voice lines.
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ok. we had freddy as a terrible one. literally the worst thing they ever did.
billy was bad.
bubba was a great one, so was doctor. hate clown but his reworked bottles are good.
to me that's a 60/40. what other killers got actual reworks? my memory fails me rn
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Legion and Ghostface got good reworks. Trickster as well (but that one was smaller in general).
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Skull Merchant is probably the original killer that could benefit from voice lines the most. She could have the most perfect ######### talking and cheesy reference lines (since she’s basically a weeb). Like her voice line potential is insane.
also indeed hoping they focus on her chase more, but then again, i’m also praying they don’t freddy her and all of her old playstyle and kit is gone and she’s just only an anti-loop character.
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She could be the first bilingual character, with voice lines in both Portugese and Japanese perhaps.
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Sadako, of course, she is strong, but the design is horrible
Pyramid Head, still strong, feels bad to play
Clown rework is 50/50, can't call it good, can't call it bad either
Legion rework was good
Trickster rework 50/50, kinda good, but he's still a camping killer
Trapper rework was good, but yet again, his main problems are not solved
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I personally like sadako. but no point in arguing preferences. (I do not play going for condemns. just for clarity)
just like no point arguing that I think ph still feels good to play. just didn't really feel a difference. besides the lack of cake, that was a crime.
what's the bad in clown?
my boy trapper needs so much... :( . and yet it feels like just a couple things.
the one characer who would unironically say "all according to keikaku" or rather "tudo de acordo com o keikaku"
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I hasten to disappoint you, they will spoil this alteration, well, it seems to me that they literally have no reason to do it well (well, except for the skins and money that this mistake can bring), because the players hate it so much that even though it was literally removed from the game, and they complain about it is on the tactics of 3gen, because the developers can conclude: mxxx we need to weaken 3gen and give her nothing in return.
After all, they like to do this, Freddie, who after nerf (with whom they obviously overdid it, even if maybe not much) did not receive any compensation to stay alive and enjoyable to play. With Billy the same story, they wanting a nerf of his facecamp, they killed him and for some reason nerf all the addons( for which there were no strong complaints either) and instead added a good combination of ultra-rare addons
This 100% will be the total murder of the most problematic,killer in the game
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Honestly, I cannot see how they could mess her up, since she is the most screwed up any killer could be.
It's a question of whether her new take is fun and viable enough.
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They'd mess up if they completely deleted her current identity and gave her an entirely new kit, to pick just one example.
I share OP's sentiment, I really hope that the new Skull Merchant is recognisable and improved. Her kit's design is super interesting and it'd be a massive shame to lose it.
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From the picture on Twitter, it doesn't look like the kit is going anywhere. It's not the kit whoch bothers me, it's how problematic the implimentation was.
I agree it has potential and it still play a part in her power, but even if the kit was replaced by a completely new power, it still could not screw up worse than this current iteration did
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Just a reminder to bhvr that 3-gen merchant isn't the only problem and they need to address her stupid chase merchant mechanics too
She's literally the "zero skill just hold w" killer version
You people really couldn't fail harder with this killer
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Hopefully they'll lean into her "The Most Dangerous Game"-like MO of hunting people for sport. Right now, I'd say her power doesn't really add up with what they tried to write her as, given that it's essentially just... drones. I also think that, as problematic as she is, BHVR isn't going to nerf her into irrelevance. They make too many skins for her, and people aren't going to buy skins for a killer who can't deliver good results in matches.