Xeno is now C-tier
Yeah. We do agree on most aspects. And your personal experience with her is not something i can disagree with. But as i said before: maybe give her another chance once the hit box bug gets fixed/improved.
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Would be fine with only move speed change but they shadow nerfed tail hitbox somehow, I'm missing turrets with m2 it's not like before I think attack range is shorter or something, they just need to choose between strong turrets or weaker tail but not both because it's frustrating right now
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Same for me, the real power is patrolling gens really quick while undetectable, and popping out when I detect footsteps or hear crying.
The tail is cool, but it doesn't win me any trials. I'm way more effective upright.
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They didn't act on the feedback of 2 or 3 people. They acted on the feedback of a lot of players who were not happy about this killer. Killer's fun cannot come at the expense of alienating an entire playerbase from the game. Xeno was way too powerful out of the box, and in my opinion its ultimate weapon perk is still way too powerful. Its possible to make fun killers without having them be insanely overpowered. Fun but fair abilities is the key.
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And people were leaving feedback over a bugged state. If balancing the game over bugs is how BHVR wants to do things, then I expect a flashlight nerf when they fix the flashlight bug.
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Xeno was out of the box overpowered, and still is until Ultimate Weapon is nerfed.
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He was not. Most of the games I had against Xenomorph before the last patch were escapes. The people who were complaining were the ones refusing to use the turrets and got a killer that likely would have been fined nerfed more than needed.
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The nerf says otherwise. As I said the nerf wasn't based on a few people complaining about it on forums. They probably didn't want Xeno to end up like skull merchant, where survivors would often disconnect the moment they knew it was that killer.
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You do realize bhvr has a history of nerfing characters that don't need them(looks at billy and pig as the two poster children of getting nerfed unfairly)
Hell one of them has been unnecessarily nerfed to the point where it's become a meme to expect a nerf to the killer with a new update
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Xeno is still a very strong A-Tier. C-Tier would be putting Xeno on par with Wraith, imo. Xeno was given a very unnecessary buff following the release from PTB to Live. Only now that that buff has been reverted are people upset.
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strange, i consider xeno to be fun and fair. in some sense, xeno is most balanced killer. I was just trying understand why you dislike ranged killer gameplay. over-time, i imagine xeno is going to be an addicting killer for killer to play but not favoured by survivors.
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Its hard enough to run from killers for more than a few seconds in this game. Its even harder to do that and dodge ranged attacks at the same time.
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I.. See.. Well, then that's probably the reason why you think that killers do need to be nerfed even more, but doesn't explain why do you believe that Xenomorph is the one that shall receive the short end of the stick.
And, that is correct.
I'm not sure if that's still a thing, but Wraith can no longer get lightburnt, can he?
Anyway, he's very strong.. At about A-, possibly B+ with the best add-ons. The strategy being blocking vaults with your hitbox due to your high movement speed while cloaked and the decreased time to break pallets, vault, and damage the generators by ~60%. Not to mention, the little speed boost he gets from uncloaking..
I'd like to know how is one perk related to the killer and the way the killer works?
Most Xenomorph players aren't gonna use the Ultimate Weapon, since you can locate survivors while charging your power underground anyway.. So using it would be very pointless with this killer, and would be proven to be more effective to use with killers who do need lockers to charge up their powers, like Huntress or Trickster.
That is the question; Have they really shadow nerfed it? You know, it could go both ways.
If the tail can't hit straight attacks as well as before, perhaps curving them would've worked? Naturally, that means to test it out and see how does it really work, but I'm not judging before seeing whether I can or can't work with that.
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Honestly, while C-tier is kinda right, it's mostly because they managed to replace the former bug with another bug.
While the movement speed penalty is harsh, it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't break the tail hitbox in the process.
When (if) they fix the hitbox then I think Alien will get back up to high B-tier in the right hands.
However since nearly all Survivor/content creators complaints have basically stopped and pickrate plummeted (I think I came across more Legions and Bubbas in the last week than Xenos) I have my doubt that they will fix anything that "buffs" Xeno.
Wesker will take back his pickrate throne in short order and the status quo will resume until the next Killer that is stronger than average.
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turrets were plased in different places near pallets and windows away from each other and still aint ######### for xeno he destroyed them instantly with tail attack
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Well, hard to believe, but without vid or pic evidence I will have to take your word for it.
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I've always argued that DBD needs a fundamental change of its playstyle. Its been the same thing for too long, and new perks only take that experience so far.
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That's what the community has been suggesting for quite a while.. But nothing has been done about it, or at least revealed to us that there have been some changing according to the suggestions from the community.
Most of the suggestions were, unfortunately, very unbalanced and very biased because most players have fallen into the rabbit hole of Us Vs. Them mentality instead of trying to work together to find a solution.
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"I can't spam like an animal m2 without any punishment at all and now the hitbox is fixed. Yep, this killer is done for."