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Xeno is now C-tier

dbdthegame Member Posts: 699
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

You now have a killer that has a very difficult attack to hit with one of the skinniest hitboxes in the game, that is VERY punishing to miss, that can be kicked out of his power, that is forced to lose distance to break the turrets that kick him out of his power. He's basically a worse version of Nemesis, and a much worse version of Pyramid Head.

Just delete the killer from the game at this point.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    It was also an odd choice for BHVR to buff something nobody had a problem with (even more so when that thing caused issues with multiple killers), but it's even weirder for killers to pretend like Xeno is suddenly terrible when this was such a non-issue killers complained about this being buffed instead of Xeno's add-ons.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Can you please tell me what type of killers are in your C-tier list?

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    The funny thing is if you don't miss your attacks this "nerf" literally means nothing LOL but people will refuse to see it.🤭

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    discussions are positive. your being too negative.

    xeno was roughly average. they gave xeno a buff to make turrets less effective. this gave opportunity for xeno to be a stronger killer if the killer player was competent. since then, they have reverted change so turrets are effective. xeno is not garbage because... it is not like survivor have 7 turrets with no cooldown's but at same time, the effectiveness of tunnels, stealth and tail strike are mildly less effective.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited September 2023

    But why does any of that matter when this is the only thing they "nerfed"? He's literally the same killer. I don't see how he sucks now that he has a penalty for missing his attack... like any other killer in the roster.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Yeah. This does make sense. Since the 2m/s wasn't applying properly we didn't even get to see if it was enough of a penalty for missing your attack. It would make more sense to fix that bug first before making number adjustments.👍️

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    read @dbdthegame post. "You now have a killer that has a very difficult attack to hit with one of the skinniest hitboxes in the game, that is VERY punishing to miss, that can be kicked out of his power, that is forced to lose distance to break the turrets that kick him out of his power. He's basically a worse version of Nemesis".

    tail attack cooldown movement means that turret make you lose distance and end up with passive unlimited free health-states which diminish the time efficiency of the killer. the turret diminish xeno's stealth, ambush tunnel opportunities and reduce his chase time tail strike effectiveness. Alien is better than Nemesis and Demo when turrets are not hard-counters. Alien is worse when turrets are effective.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2023

    To be fair, I would have preferred if they had held the additional slow on miss back until the midchapter to see how stats change with the bug fixed and turrets adjusted.

    Though, I do think it makes sense to increase the slowdown for missing since spamming M2 until you inevitably hit woth hardly any repercussions is just not very good game design, imo (though I think it could be up for debate if only a survivor is a valid target or if both sirvs and turrets are valid targets).

    But the changes do by no means make him C-tier. He now has a skillfloor for his M2. And of course, if you won a bunch of matches the past two weeks without already having or having acquired that skill since then you're having a rude awakening now and will lose a number of matches until you either drop far enough in mmr and/or improve the M2 hit-miss ratio.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    I think I will enjoy Xeno despite the nerf. I find the tunnels extremely satisfying to use.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    They where not op. Please reconsider what you call op.

    Xeno was strong in general and maybe too strong for your average casual public survivor group.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    The last part hits spot-on for me. Xeno imo is like Singularity all over again. A good killer with too high of a skillfloor. I never like killers with super high-skill floors(reason why I stay way from nurse and blight) and play and learn killers that are slightly easier to learn like Legion. That said even then at least Nurse and Blight get better results if you master them than either of the last two killers. Why put in 100s of hours in a killer to be on the same level as say a plague or Oni? It really upset me bc I really really wanted to main xeno but since day one of release it has been a complete uphill battle with so much losing(btw mmr sucks bc it felt like I have been paired with survivors of my skill set yet with this killer) with little to no results of getting better.

    I'm not even that upset about the nerf if they made xeno tail a little more consistent or made its hitbox slightly larger. Plus on top of that as others have said her tail hitbox does feel bugged since I also felt I missed hits that should been hits the last few days. Even had a bill who just walked right through my tail attack and did not even get s stretch from it. For now, if I want to play a killer with a range attack I just play nemmy, his whip is more consistent, can be dragged left or right, and can even break pallets.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Wesker holds his crown as the best design killer of recent releases. At this point, I think the devs have peaked with him, everything is downhill from here it feels.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Great now placing a turret actually does something, something minor but something

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    The thing is: we don't really know what happend. If they only rolled back Xeno to its PTB version no one would bat an eye. According to the documentation they went two extra steps, made turrets stronger by making them more generously to place down and not only implemented the tail slow down that wasn't working before, but also increased the penalty further.

    If that was the case, there would be grumbling, but in the end killers would just play with a more fair, slightly "nerfed" version. But many players, myself included, experience a far steeper performance drop, missing shots that telegraph as clear hits and survivors easily dodging 8 tail strikes in a row. Its not that the killer got slightly nerfed and now everyone is just whining, something changed on a fundamental level, that we all can't put out finger on.

    BHVR probably did some tail code optimisation that scrambled something up. I actually expect that they will clear this up Monday or Tuesday, as the Alien is not behaving like it should, but people all over are overreacting: one side claiming that Xeno is now trashtier and shall never be touched again, and the other side coming down hard via "now you see how boosted you were! You deserve this misses! ". I think most people don't realize that the tail code got busted up in the update. At least I hope so. If not and I am wrong with this assessment: RIP Xenos

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 535

    Actually Pig was my first main killer in the game because I love Saw. I went over the Freddy, because NoES is another big Love for me. I will never forget my Amanda.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Indeed. Its what butchered poor Spirit and made her extremely unfun to play. Rest in peace, Rin.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707
    edited September 2023

    I’m pretty sure the tail hitbox is bugged now after the nerf and that’s why it feels bad right now. It’s literally going through survivors now sometimes and not hitting them.

    The nerf to the cooldown movement speed was 100% needed, even when the previous movement speed bug didn’t occur there wasn’t enough punishment for missing.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Personally, I think Nemmy is better than xeno post nerf for a few reasons. One: I think hitting someone with your Tentacle is much easier than the tail since unlike the tail the tentacle hitbox doesnt just stop when you hit an object and you can be drag left or right which is much better than dragging the tail up and down imo. Two: in pallet loops nemmy is much stronger than Xeno when he is in tier two or three bc even if you miss someone at a down pallet you at least get a pallet break whereas xeno doesnt have that benefit. If you miss a tail attack at a down pallet you get nothing, at least with nemmy you get a pallet out of the way and force the survivor to move out of the loop. With Xeno you have to wait out the missed cooldown and have to break the pallet meaning the survivor going to make much more distance on an xeno than a nemmy.

    To me the only real advantage xeno has over nemmy is the map travel since nemmy zombies are not always the best but what good is traveling the map fast when you can't land tail hits consistently? Is xeno bad? No I still think xeno is a high B or low A killer but I do think the skill floor for xeno is too high and nemmy overall is slightly better. Also, I agree with most who say that xeno tail right now is bugged bc I have had times where I should have hit a survivor only for the game to tell me no.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    If the bug had been a consistent issue that happened every single time then I would agree. But it wasn’t.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Otzdarva, Scott Jund and I think Hens did as well, they all put him in low A or High B tier, in the sense of they were not sure at that point...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,370

    It wasn't some rare issue that happens 1 out of 1000 times. It was happening pretty frequently. Certainly enough that you wouldn't be able to guage reliably if 2.0m/s was too much or not.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 635

    The question that should be asked - why play Xeno at all now when there are similar killers who's power is easier to use and more reliable? His uniqueness was ability to apply pressure by hitting with tail at range, making him dangerous if he comes close enough while being undetected. Now you just put a turret nearby and listen to beep intensity - either Xeno pops up and wastes time hitting the turret or tries to get through losing his power and becoming M1 melee killer.

    We now have a killer who's power can be taken away by survivors if they play smart or who can get punished severely if power was missed to the point where killer has to think whenever it's worth to use it over M1 attack. Ask killer players - how much fun that is.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    On top of that some ppl, like myself, dont even bother with the ptb bc of the long queue times. Im not going to wait 30 mins to play one match as a killer. Most ppl who play ptb are either streamers who do killer with friends or ppl who really dont mind the long wait time. Also judging a killer strength in a ptb is kind iffy bc there is no mmr in matchmaking. Ppl who thought xeno is a high A in ptb most likely went against survivors way below their skill set.