We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

SIngularity's problem

Rihelo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25

With singularity you can barely even use his ability at all survivors just keep getting emps and completely render your ability useless. A buff he could get is that cameras last disabled less than before or there are less emp boxes or even it takes longer for emps to recharge, or i was thinking there could be a rework where the emps don't disable cameras but it gives endurance to the survivors who got their biopod destroyed, emps could charge 3% slower for every survivor with this endurance, and also remove the ability to be able to charge emps faster, it's bad for both killer and survivor, survivor it wastes their time and killer it makes his ability completely useless, and since cameras can't get disabled, they are gonna be destroyed after you attach 3 or 4 biopods and destroy automatically once you teleport with using that camera, when a camera is destroyed it could have a cooldown for placing another camera so it avoids the killer instantly placing another camera after it gets destroyed. maybe this idea is bad but there should be a change where you can actually use singularity's ability without making it unbalanced for survivors.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2023

    Nah. The killer is actually strong in good hands. Oppressively so. It's just that there are barely any singularities, that can play him - because he's super tough to play well - so most singularities really don't have a good time. The thing the killer needs are some things that would make him (much) easier to play, but not to make him necessarily stronger.

    Like all I meet are 2 types of singularities - and for both types there's a stomp in the game. The one that gets stomped is much more common, but then there are those that just delete you from game and you feel helpless. And there's no in-between

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,268

    Emps don't make singu useless, slipstream is very easy to apply and reapply after they emp. The only time that emps are extremely brutal for is if you're trying to 3 gen with singu(or if you're on a map that actually makes it hard to reapply slipstream like lerys but that's a completely different problem), which good design from bhvr. The only thing that really holds singularity back is how map depended he is.

    It's clear from reading your post that you are trying to play singu in his weakest way which is as an area control killer. I really recommend mostly just using pods in chase, playing this way really limits how strong emps are against you. Especially after bhvr made emps hinder you when using them.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    Trying to use pods in chase makes singularity only playable by those with a mouse. Someone can literally just spin in order to prevent a slipstream teleport when playing against a console killer. Without deadzone settings and no ability to fine adjust aim with strafing, it's not reliably possible to teleport to moving survivors through a pod.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,268

    Then don't use a controller and if you can't don't play him. What little mechanic skill that this game has shouldn't be removed because console players can't cope without insane aim assist

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    No offense but you clearly don't know how to pilot this killer.

  • Rihelo
    Rihelo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25

    I do, i've won most of my games with him, maybe it's just from usual killer experience but it was mostly just m1s bc emps made my ability useless most of the time if they knew what they were doing, if they don't know what they're doing they're gonna not spam emps, like lets say twins, i'm good with them but if they keep victor with them i can't use the ability properly, i gotta wait 30 seconds just to get him back

  • Rihelo
    Rihelo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25

    the problem is that he is extremely hard to manage him even with emps, like nurse she's really hard to manage but she's the best killer, however singularity isn't even A tier he's probably mid b tier at most, yes he is really strong in good hands but most killers are, they are just weak when they go against survivors that know what they're doing, twins could be strong but some people make their ability useless by holding victor hostage for 30 seconds, for the singularity's case people are gonna be holding emps the entire game until you shoot them with a pod and they proceed to get another emp.

  • Rihelo
    Rihelo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25

    what i'm getting it is that it's really hard to pressure gens using his ability, because for some reason they made it where the cameras last disabled for an eternity making you go to that gen by foot and wasting tons of your time.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    I think one of the issues with watching gens is that placement often only allows angles that give survivors one side of the gen they can still work on without getting splooched, especially if you try to hide the pods or keep them some distance from the gen it won't be fully covered.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    Why does the pod need to see so much of the survivor to slipstream them? It feels like they cannot be slipstreamed or teleported to if even an elbow is covered.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I think the killer is low A-tier when you actually master him. But the thing is, that as you correctly pointed out - you need to do a lot of things to manage him correctly. That's super hard. People won't be able to achieve that reliably. That's why nobody plays him.

    Also - to clarify my previous post. I don't like to go against singularity, because the game is never fun. Either the person playing it knows and my team gets totally destroyed, or he does not know/is in bad map and the game is too easy. There's never balanced fun game where both sides have to try.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Like Steak said, EMPs do nothing (other than maybe help because Survivors waste time leaving gens and burning them in a chase only to be retagged 2s later) to a good Singularity. I would also expand Singularity's bad maps to include Nostromo and RPD. Nostromo because there is too much low clutter, and not enough tall points to tag over the garbage, and RPD because the entire main hall seems to have butter on the walls, and you can only biopod the pillars. To be fair if I got a few more matches on RPD I would probably be fine, but I kept trying to tag walls and it just wouldn't stick anywhere. Its almost like how a good Blight knows the collision of Swamp and Borgo, but a newer one doesn't, although in Blights case that just means he gets a 3k at 1 gen instead of a 4k at 3-5.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Are there any streamers you know that are really good with singu? Because I too fail to see how Singularity is good against really good survivor teams in any way or form.

    In my eyes, he just takes too long in chase to get consistent downs. First you have to slipstream a survivor, then you still have to deal with pallets and windows as Singu. Then the survivor most likely gets emp'd and again you have to slipstream them. And then further chase the survivor while not being immune to pallets and windows.

    The average chase time in my experience is just too long for how quickly survivors can retrieve EMP's.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    EMPs should have to be placed back into the charger after being used rather than 'printing' a new one.

    EMPs should drain the battery of other EMPs in range when used.

    Another idea is have the gens charging the EMPs. The gens don't need to be finished to contribute charge, but the more overall gen progress, the faster the EMPs charge. This would make the Singularity much more powerful in early game but much less able to hold a 3-gen for 40min.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,268

    Scott and zubatlel played a load of singu, tho both are pretty done with maining the killer now im pretty sure. Singu has the tools to win any match(that's not an awful map for him like lerys)

    Singu doesn't win the game via insta downing every survivor in your sight, singu wins vs good teams by forcing every pallet to be used on the map extremely quickly and you can't just hold m1 against him. While yes, singu is not outright immune to resources like pallets he minimizes and forces very inefficient use of those resources. And a lot of time the action speed from overclock will result in you getting a hit after these resources are used if you intelligently zone them and if you don't, you just restart the chase at 8 meters after teleporting. Emps will at worse add like 5-10 seconds to a chase but you can easily reapply slipstream in under 5 seconds.

    Singularitys main lssue is that he just doesn't work on some map.