People who have played the PTB what do you think of the new camping mechanic and new SM?

I'm really curious particularly about SM I'm almost sure its much better now after reading the notes about it but how is it in game?
The anti-camping meter fills like 15% before the Killer even can fully leave and its not like they are wasting time around. That shouldn't be a thing.
As for SM, she is awfull, strange and weak.
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Well SM is at least an improvement. Anti camping feature filling up that quickly when you're not even camping sounds a bit unfair.
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Improvement? Depends on your view. If you are looking on it from Survivor main who cares only about themselfs, sure its amazing, since nobody will want to play her after this and her 3gen is gone. From more both sides / Killer sided view, it's pretty bad (and not because of lost of 3gen).
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Haven't tested the new anti-camping but I did play a couple games of Skull Merchant. Obviously it's still early days (and my opinions are still forming), but my first impressions are negative. She's just not really effective at anything anymore.
It feels like they removed her obnoxious niche of being able to pressure generators incredibly well, and forgot to give her anything else to compensate. Drones don't really do anything useful:
- For survivors to get a Claw Trap, they have to get scanned three times. Four if the Drone was inactive. Any half-decent survivor is just going to leave a loop as soon as you put a Drone down.
- Drones have a hefty cooldown.
- The Undetectable status effect isn't really helpful. It's incredibly short, and kind of pointless given that the Drones are loud and float in the sky -- giving away your position anyways.
- Drones are easy to disable.
- Drones can't be manually reactivated.
- Loops with high walls and indoor maps pretty much make your power obsolete, since Drones don't scan through walls or floors.
I will say, not being slowed while checking your Radar is nice. But it's ultimately inconsequential. I just don't see the point of her power. Like, how did they even intend people to use this?
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I mean the 3 gen was unfair and unfun. I play 50/50 and it was very unfun. It's a shame she's not fun but I'm on console so I'm going to be 3 genned for weeks to come now.
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15% is nothing
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damn no more chess. :(:(
who did it better skull Merchant or Bobby Fischer.
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New Skull Merchant is just... bad. Honestly her new kit incentivizes 3 genning even more than her current power on live does.
IDK right now she just seems like a worse, 115 version of Hag without teleports, if that makes any sense.
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SM is so bad.. even in her best scenario she is bad. Her best scenario is corning you at the edge of the map to force the drone damage and follow it up with an M1 to basically insta down you without giving you a speed boost for being injured. However, it’s super easily countered by just standing still (her drone won’t be able to detect you) so you force her to M1 you so you can get the speed boost to go to somewhere else. It’s very obvious her rework was a bit rushed and it has a lot of flaws but hey it’s still a win as long as chess merchant in gone tbh.
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Skull Merchant feels super underwhelming right now. It's way too hard to get Claw Traps on at all.
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As people like Otz demonstrated, the bar filling to 15% is completely obsolete and you can still proxy camp a decent distance away on normal hooks. You can still stand at the basement door and deny the progression speed.
There is zero scenarios where the progression actually throws you under the bus unless you decide to stick around the hook.
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The anti-facecamping mechanic has some issues.
First, the bar starts to build immediately. There should be a delay before the bar can build so that the killer can actually move away. Given that the bar never decays and can slowly build up from the killer patrolling around. I see no reason that the bar should build immediately.
Second, survivors in dying state or carrying a survivor do not slow down the build up. This means the killer can effectively be punished for defending the hook. There should be some consideration to the killer putting survivors into the dying state near the hook by keeping the slowdown for a bit so the killer has time to pick up and carry the survivor to hook.
Third, killers can simply camp the basement stairs and the bar won't build up until after the survivor reaches the next hook state. I'm not sure there's a good fix for this, because the basement should be bad for survivors. But it feels like it goes against the point of the system.
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funny enough, other survivors are the biggest problem with the anti camp meter.