Why not let Freddy have both pallets and snares?

-both from same pool of charges, probably something like 6 default up to 9 with add-ons.
-definitely rework his add-ons.
He was simply over-nerfed hard and I don't think this would make him even near meta again, just more fun to play.
why? i am sure everyone knows fake pallet are bad. why suggest them in base-kit? freddy needs a lot more changes and this change is not one of them.
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I always thought that too, i always felt that hes got a half killer power, they should merge it.
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I've recommended this in the past. It could function on a token system that keeps the current single trap type limits. Snares get 5, and Pallets get 7. This works best with 15 tokens total, and 3 tokens per snare, 2 tokens per pallet. This way the same single use limit is the same, but you can mix and match.
Fake pallets are bad when that is all you have. A fake pallet on some god pallets like the RPD stairwell and at shack is invaluable. The threat of fake pallets is honestly stronger than the pallet itself.
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i mean yeah maybe against really bad soloq survivors. fake pallet do not work vs good players....
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I mean even if 'bad' Survivors was as low odds as a coinflip (50-50), you would still only have ~6% of matches where you would get no value at all from them. (Personally I think 'bad' Survivors are more in the 80-90% range though personally).