Medkits need to be changed

This is going to be alittle controversial, so before all the hard-core killer-mains come after me, just read and try to use reason.

There is a big issue with medkits currently, and it doesn't have to do with the speed at which you heal yourself or their inefficiency when healing yourself. It has to do with how similar they all are, despite their different rarities. Let me be more specific: The only difference between the lowest-tier medkit and the highest-tier medkit is a 15% altruistic heal speed increase. That's it. Nothing else separates the worst medkit from the best medkit. This is a pretty big issue because since there's such a small difference, and because almost nobody uses medkits for altruistic healing, all survivors are going to go for in the blood web and bring into matches are brown (common) medkits. This is because there is almost no difference brown (common) and purple (very rare) medkits.

So what do we do to fix this issue? It isn't reverting medkits to how they used to be, because they were definitely problematic before. We give the yellow (uncommon), anniversary, green (rare), and purple (very rare) medkits some smallish buffs that help distinguish them in rarity and power. Here are my suggested changes: Brown (common) medkit- Stays the exact same, but it's altruistic healing speed is decreased from 35% to 25%. Yellow (uncommon) and anniversary medkit- Remove the inefficiency effect. Green (rare) medkit- Remove the self-healing speed penalty, and give +25% heal speed increase for self-healing. Additionally, increase altruistic healing speed with medkit from 45% to 55%. Purple (very rare) medkit- Remove the inefficiency effect. Change the self-healing speed penalty from -33% to -17%. Increase altruistic healing speed with medkit from 50% to 70%.

I personally don't believe any of these buffs would make medkits anywhere near too powerful, especially since the addons are still the way they are. To add to this, medkits, if changed to this, will still be significantly worse than they used to be. In conclusion, if medkits are changed as stated above, there will be a distinguishable difference between their power, as should already be. This will make survivors once again want to go for higher-rarity medkits in their blood website and also bring them into matches, without any certain medkit being brought into a match being op.

Respectfully let me know what you think below!

If you are confused about what the buffed medkits stats would look like, I will write a new description for each one below:

●Camping Aid Kit (brown)

-24 charges.

-Increases altruistic healing speed with medkit by 25%.

-Decreases speed and efficiency of medkit when self-healing by 33%.

●First aid kit (yellow & anniversary)

-24 charges

-Increases altruistic healing speed when using medkit by 40%.

Decreases speed of medkit when self-healing by 33%.

●Emergency medkit (green)

-24 charges.

-Increases altruistic healing speed when using medkit by 55%.

-Increases self-healing speed when using medkit by 25%.

- Decreases efficiency of medkit when self-healing by 33%.

●Ranger medkit (purple)

-24 charges.

-Increases altruistic healing speed when using medkit by 70%.

-Decreases self-healing speed when using medkit by 17%.


  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006
    edited September 2023

    The only thing I think is an issue with medkits is that if you miss one skill check you can't complete a heal. It's pretty punishing for new players or other survivors interacting with killer skill check modifiers.

    Edit: You could probably give the better medkits a self healing speed boost and limit it so it doesn't have as much impact as before. I never really felt the healing speed of the medkits was the real issue. It always felt like the amount of heals you could get from one medkit, combined with the styptic. The styptic is still really good and the nerf to healing capacity was also good.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,420

    I would rather the devs first improve keys and maps than making more adjustments to med-kits when med-kits are already one of the best items in the game.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,500

     and because almost nobody uses medkits for altruistic healing

    That's the reason. Whole point of medkits nerf was in buff them in altruistic way. But since most survivors can't think not only about themselves, it's a really hard work.

    I usually give medkit to survivor that unhooked me. You know what happens after that?


    40% - just don't understand what i want from him and heal me without it

    20% - actually healing me with it

    Devs should give some simple lessons how to play this game in optimal way or something like that, idk, most people are just awful in this game, not even in terms of skill, but in terms of the simpliest logic

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,740

    While I agree that there isn’t enough difference between the different medkit rarities, I think your buff suggestions make them too powerful again, especially the green medkits.

    I think I’ve posted this in another thread before but this is how I would change them:

    Brown medkits: Altruistic healing speed bonus reduced from 35% to 30% and self-heal speed penalty increased from -33% to -40% (self-heal efficiency is still -33%).

    Yellow medkits stay the same (40% altruistic bonus, -33% self-heal speed and efficiency).

    Green medkits: To be more in line with the “Emergency Medkit” name, its altruistic healing efficiency is now reduced by 33%, but the altruistic heal speed bonus is increased to 100% (was 45%). So you either get one slow self-heal, or one very fast heal on a teammate (same speed as WMI).

    Purple medkits: Add back the bonuses to skill checks that they used to have, maybe a slight efficiency boost for healing others (perhaps 25%), altruistic healing boost stays at 50%.

  • Farya
    Farya Member Posts: 94

    When I came back after a long break, i was shocked about what they did to the medkits. I think, at least the purple medkits maybe should have no penalty if it comes to selfheal. So I basically agree.

    I would love to see Team mates in SoloQ more altruistic, using their medkits for mates. But it barely happens. I always use my medkits for others, if I am not in emergency myself, in hope they will use their medkit on me when time comes and I need a heal. It would speed up things and make Survs more efficient.. maybe Devs had this in mind, when they changed medkits. But as we can see, barely anybody uses their medkits for others. Which is sad.

    But I would love to see some slight increase of selfheal for the Survivors side, may it be medkits or something else (buff selfheal perk slightly maybe..). Sometimes in SoloQ you can't rely on your team. Some Team mates run away from me when I beg them to heal me.