Make Flashlight Saves Count As A Conspicuous Action

This one's pretty self explanatory. If someone gets unhooked and I go for the rescuer, I'm not tunnelling. Therefore if I pick up the rescuer and they get flashlight saved by the person who just go unhooked, they should not keep their anti-tunnel perks such as off the record, DS etc. They were given the opportunity to find safety but they used their immunity to play in my face, much like old DS.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited September 2023

    you are 99% right. But survivor could have gotten syringe / or if very lucky - unhooker had we will make it+botany+purple medkit.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Being healed by someone else shouldn’t count, it’s an action THEY are taking, not you. Conspicuous actions should involve what you do, not what your teammates are doing.

    I do agree flashlight saves should count.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    I agree that it is the Killer's fault (and it is easily avoidable) but I do also think it should count as a Conspicuous Action.

    Conspicuous Actions involve stuff you typical do when you are a position that is safe or near safety after being unhooked (i.e. doing a Generator after being unhooked would imply you are not being chased therefore not need anti-tunnel). If you get unhooked and go for a flashlight save, it (to me at least) says that you feel like you are in a safe position to do so.

    Also to clarify, Im not really the type of person to tunnel unless they try to go for a flashlight/pallet save or they bodyblock with BT, if I am actively going out of my way to go for someone else and they get in my path, it is simply a consequence of their own actions. It's not like Im foaming at the mouth to remove a Survivor's anti-tunnel, moreso I think it has to do with consistency.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think it would be fine if they have the code to consider CAs on completion, not the attempt alone. If they expanded this to completing a self-Heal/Flashy Save/Sabo then this would be fine, as long as the self-heal/sabo aren't CAs unless completed. It seems silly that the Claudette healing herself in the corner is more Conspicuous than getting healed by a teammate, especially since both are working to the same end. Sometimes you accidentally tap M2 off of hook and you tapped the medkit/sabo for a milisecond, and now can be tunneled for nothing actually happening to change the game state.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,092

    I'd say it should count, because the whole point is to avoid tunneling, and if someone is able to fully heal you, then clearly the purpose is null and void at that point since you're not being tunneled. Otherwise, people are just getting fully healed then running around with "secret" protection to use offensively against the killer (which is the opposite intent of the perk). Usually you can at least tell someone has OTR due to a lack of pain sounds. Essentially, allowing being fully healed and having the benefits of OTR just encourages people to weaponize the perk against it's actual purpose.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Both flashlight and pallete saves should be considered as conspicious actions.

    I could also argue if being healed should either. Ifi got my second health stage, i should not be protected by second chance perks.

    Also, ds stun duration should be increased.

  • alternatively,juts dont look into the bloody light

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I would agree on this, but I think its better not to interfere with Survivors ability to save another Survivor. Adding a point of hesitation would not be good. Imagine you are sacrificed as Survivor and the reason the other survivor saved you was so their Off the Record would not run out, like.. No Thanks.

    Yeah, I think this is one of those ideas that seem great on paper, but in practise is a nightmare.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    I completely disagree. In the case you just described you already know that there's another survivor nearby with a flashlight. Punishing the survivor who played skillfully just because you made a mistake doesn't make sense to me.

    Flashlights are pretty easy enough to render ineffective to begin with anyway.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Being healed doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t being tunneled, especially if the unhooker has some way of healing you quickly and/or 2 people are there for the heal right before the killer comes back for you.