Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf Nurse



  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @adalesmo said:

    @Orion said:

    @adalesmo said:

    @Orion said:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    You can hide.
    Nurse is the only killer with skill impact.
    If the killer player have more skill than the survivors, then he can win the game.
    The other 12 killers dont have this.
    The killer player can have more skill than the survivors, but when he play Pig(just an example), he can still lose the game.

    This is why she's a near-perfect Killer, from a design perspective, and why Survivors hate her so much.

    Nurse is the most broken killer, far from "near-perfect". If you're consistently at rank 1 right after reset each month, you will continuously go against nurses who have quite literally zero counter. Breaking line of sight does nothing, doubling back does nothing, mindgaming in the corners of the map does nothing. There is zero counter whatsoever for an experienced nurse player.

    Every killer should be able to down a survivor, you should not be able to be looped for 5 gens, etc., this is all obvious. But a killer who can teleport twice through barriers instantaneously is a fundamentally flawed concept for a game where the barriers are a survivor's only real defense, at least with it's current execution.

    Survivors hate Nurse because she's fundamentally unfair.

    Her power is rewarding to use correctly and punishing if used incorrectly. However, for all her power helps during a chase, it does nothing to help her find or track Survivors.
    Note how your complaints only focus around the fact that she's good during a chase, ignoring the fact that there's a key aspect of the game that Survivors failed at in order for a chase to even begin: stealth. Chases don't happen unless you failed to hide.

    Hiding is not a viable strategy in DBD. You can't finish generators while hiding. Survivors who use stealth as their strat are virtually always the dead weight of the team who never do anything. People who promote stealth as as strat never play survivor.

    "Hiding" is not the same as stealth. If someone hides when the Killer isn't even near them, then yes, they are dead weight.

  • Member Posts: 148

    she doesn't need nerfed, she needs removed from the game.

    so does SWF.

    A killer that requires skill needs to be removed lol no sounds like some of you have been getting your cheeks clapped by some nurse mains. Think about it you guys wanna do the same looping running in circles garbage against every killer that comes out that shxt is stale and when faced against a skilled nurse survivors are hilariously clueless because they can't bully her. 
  • Member Posts: 23

    As others have said, get good. Seriously, Nurse you just need to understand how to play stealth and break line of sight. Watch this to understand how to juke a Nurse:

  • Member Posts: 4

    Nurse does need some things done to her considering that its actually bad to use any add-ons with her since they hurt the muscle memory involved with landing blinks. In regards to stealth against her though, I do think that there should be something done with her tracking to make remaining undetected by her/juke'ing her a lot more effective since that is a Survivor's only defense against Nurse due to pallets and windows not being effective.

    One idea I was kicking around was that while she is charging or in the middle of chain blinks that she can't see scratch marks of survivors (similar to how Legion can't see scratch marks while their power is in use). This keeps her power strong but also makes her main counter of jukes and stealth more viable.

  • Member Posts: 148
    Yellow said:

    Nurse does need some things done to her considering that its actually bad to use any add-ons with her since they hurt the muscle memory involved with landing blinks. In regards to stealth against her though, I do think that there should be something done with her tracking to make remaining undetected by her/juke'ing her a lot more effective since that is a Survivor's only defense against Nurse due to pallets and windows not being effective.

    One idea I was kicking around was that while she is charging or in the middle of chain blinks that she can't see scratch marks of survivors (similar to how Legion can't see scratch marks while their power is in use). This keeps her power strong but also makes her main counter of jukes and stealth more viable.

  • Member Posts: 994

    The devs have already stated that the nurse is going to be changed significantly. She is almost unstoppable on PC, and is a complete joke on console. I luv it when we see a nurse, as I know it’s going to be an easy game. However, they also stated that she will most likely be the last killer that they balance (significantly nerf on PC), so I wouldn’t expect anything big for at least 2 years. I would expect much smaller changes that may help other killers, but somewhat break nurse, or at least hurt her. The end game changes will have been completed long before her changes have begun.

  • Member Posts: 87
    RSB said:

    @Doulldozer said:
    Indeed stealth is the nurses worst enemy, I more concerned about chases though as the moment the nurse has found you, game over. Its almost impossible to shake a decent nurse off you and with that auto aim a short blink is a guaranteed hit. As I suggested tweak her add ons and remove that auto aim and nurse will probably be in a much better spot rather than having her own tier cause she's that strong.

    Auto aim got removed several patches ago, plus her lunge is like 10cm now.

    Lunge might look like its 10 cm but its like 10 miles tbh the nurse's lunge looks like it shouldn't hit you all the time they should fix the way it looks or fix when it shouldn't hit you.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaelum said:
    The devs have already stated that the nurse is going to be changed significantly. She is almost unstoppable on PC, and is a complete joke on console. I luv it when we see a nurse, as I know it’s going to be an easy game. However, they also stated that she will most likely be the last killer that they balance (significantly nerf on PC), so I wouldn’t expect anything big for at least 2 years. I would expect much smaller changes that may help other killers, but somewhat break nurse, or at least hurt her. The end game changes will have been completed long before her changes have begun.

    Where did they state that? Post a direct link to your source.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Nurse does need a nerf badly. What needs a nerf even more though are maps - they are too safe for survivors. I don't think a good survivor should be able to loop a good killer player around for 3 gens, on any killer. Of course you also can't make survivors feel helpless, they still need to be able to loop killer around with skill, just not for half the match..

  • Member Posts: 270

    @adalesmo said:

    @Orion said:

    @adalesmo said:

    @Orion said:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    You can hide.
    Nurse is the only killer with skill impact.
    If the killer player have more skill than the survivors, then he can win the game.
    The other 12 killers dont have this.
    The killer player can have more skill than the survivors, but when he play Pig(just an example), he can still lose the game.

    This is why she's a near-perfect Killer, from a design perspective, and why Survivors hate her so much.

    Nurse is the most broken killer, far from "near-perfect". If you're consistently at rank 1 right after reset each month, you will continuously go against nurses who have quite literally zero counter. Breaking line of sight does nothing, doubling back does nothing, mindgaming in the corners of the map does nothing. There is zero counter whatsoever for an experienced nurse player.

    Every killer should be able to down a survivor, you should not be able to be looped for 5 gens, etc., this is all obvious. But a killer who can teleport twice through barriers instantaneously is a fundamentally flawed concept for a game where the barriers are a survivor's only real defense, at least with it's current execution.

    Survivors hate Nurse because she's fundamentally unfair.

    Her power is rewarding to use correctly and punishing if used incorrectly. However, for all her power helps during a chase, it does nothing to help her find or track Survivors.
    Note how your complaints only focus around the fact that she's good during a chase, ignoring the fact that there's a key aspect of the game that Survivors failed at in order for a chase to even begin: stealth. Chases don't happen unless you failed to hide.

    Hiding is not a viable strategy in DBD. You can't finish generators while hiding. Survivors who use stealth as their strat are virtually always the dead weight of the team who never do anything. People who promote stealth as as strat never play survivor.

    @KingSavageGaming said:
    Nerf the only viable killer that requires skill no we don't need every killer to be a joke

    Yes, muscle memory and looking where you want to go sure is skillful with no viable counterplay.

    Actually I only ever try stealth and most of the time I do more generators than the rest of the team. It can go wrong if I get caught but it is not impossible to do.

  • Member Posts: 994
    Exactly!  I always play stealthy, and I always have the highest objective points, usually maxed, unless I get tunneled by the killer.  That’s why I hate the ranks 7 and below, as you are pretty much are guaranteed to be tunneled. 6-3 are not as bad, but you always run into potatoes that ruin the game for everyone. Only ranks 2 and 1 are really fun, if you are competitive.
  • Member Posts: 49

    @Kaelum said:
    The devs have already stated that the nurse is going to be changed significantly. She is almost unstoppable on PC, and is a complete joke on console. I luv it when we see a nurse, as I know it’s going to be an easy game. However, they also stated that she will most likely be the last killer that they balance (significantly nerf on PC), so I wouldn’t expect anything big for at least 2 years. I would expect much smaller changes that may help other killers, but somewhat break nurse, or at least hurt her. The end game changes will have been completed long before her changes have begun.

    If they change Nurse on PC, such as nerf, this game is going to be a complete ######### joke.

    We've seen time and again that a coordinated group of survivors can basically take a ######### on any killer. Survivors who know how to adapt and play around a Nurse can also beat her without too much trouble.

    The issue with survivors is they refuse to ######### change strategies. They just want to run circles around the same loops, and waste the killer's time while their 3 friends kill gens; this is why there are still survivors whining about Huntress, despite the fact she has one of the easiest "good" killers to counter.

    Honestly, if BHVR actually listens to the bitching, I honestly believe that will kill this game.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    If its true that rank 1 PC survivors are almost always against Nurse or Billy, then I can understand why they would crave more variety. Killers should also have some viable alternatives other than Nurse and Billy at this rank.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    NO, dont nerf nurse because if they nerf nurse they will destroy ds.

  • Member Posts: 148
    Arroz said:

    NO, dont nerf nurse because if they nerf nurse they will destroy ds.

    DS should've been destroyed years ago but yet here we are.

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