The State of The Singularity

huxenjoyer92 Member Posts: 28
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Prefacing this post, I'll admit I'm biased when it comes to Hux, he's a Killer I love playing. I love his concept, the idea of a sentient AI learning to bend the rules of biology and quantum physics to become the ultimate hunting machine--I think that's neat.

But what I've heard and experienced, Singularity has a mixture of problems right now. Low kill rate and low pick rate is one big talking point. The low pick rate is obvious enough: Hux is a hard Killer to even pick up and use effectively. I'm no expert on him, but it takes a considerable amount of time to learn how to use your power around tiles and loops, including a general idea of where a match's direction is going. He's not easy to learn, and that's fine. Having harder Killers in terms of skill is fair, but they need to be rewarded for that effort. Singularity doesn't have that right now.

The low kill rate seems like a no-brainer at first, "well of course, he's got a hard power to learn," but when you start using and mastering the power against competent Survivors, you'll notice Quantum Instantiation punishes you for using it creatively or using it around certain tiles to get around obstacles. And when Hux's power is used, you're slowed just enough where Survivors can still make distance, pre-throw a pallet, and move on to the next strongest tile.

I have a couple of suggestions:

  1. Increase the detection range through Bio-Pods and Remote Slips. Bio-Pods have a short range, and while that was probably intended to prevent just having one Bio-Pod watching an entire half of a map, it's frustrating to see a Survivor walking across a field just outside of your range. Remote Slip range right now could use a slight buff by an extra two meters distance to help cover gaps better rather than being in your vision but you're unable to catch up. This also applies for placement of Bio-Pods in your environment.
  2. Make Soma Family Photo basekit. Most people would turn a side-eye at what I say, but I'd enjoy slightly less Overclock time if it meant that we can catch up to Survivors by using Quantum Instantiation in a creative way. You can argue that Soma Family Photo is fine where it is, or running Rapid Brutality would solve his problems. Soma Family Photo in its current state is too good an add-on to simply ditch for more creative efforts and build ideas. The speed is a necessity for lethality. Rapid Brutality on the other hand requires losing Bloodlust, a crucial mechanic in current DBD to help Killers who lack gap-closing tools, and you need to land a Basic Attack to gain the haste effect.
  3. Decrease the cooldown for Bio-Pod infections and teleports. While it's important to let Survivors have a chance to react to a Killer using their power, the current cooldown punishes the use of Bio-Pod Slips rather than quick-use of a Pod to infect and then M2 for the rest of the chase. In reality, it would be better to have a mix of Bio-Pod and Remote Slips. Decreasing the cooldown after a Slipstream infection from a Bio-Pod would help Hux use his power effectively.
  4. Decreasing the Slipstream pallet stun penalty Hinder. I'm not arguing that we should make we make Foreign Plant Fibres basekit, but what I am suggesting is we decrease the time of the Hinder duration by half a second to prevent Survivors from making too much distance for using your power as intended.

While these are not, by any means, excellent suggestions, I think they would be a good starting place to help Hux shine like the murderous machine he was meant to be.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I just abandoned the idea of Behaviour actually adress the killer.I would start to main him again if the emp cant erase your progress in the chase by a player who is not in chase

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    If Survivors are not complaining about the Killer, BHVR thinks they are fine. Everything makes more sense from that lens.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Problem with that is. If you make it so emps only take away the infection he becomes a stronger 3 gen killer better than SM. Other way around he becomes the strongest chase killer ever. He should have counterplay but he has too much counterplay.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I love Hux, for many of the same reasons, but I just don't enjoy his power that much. It's rewarding when it works well, it can be effective, I just get bored looking through cameras. We have manual cameras and automatic drones. We need manual drones and automatic cameras.

    I wish there were addons that gave me an alternative to running cameras. Let me burn one to make my cameras mark survivors on their own, but slower and without triggering teleports. Heck, let me burn one to just make them motion detectors.

    On the other hand, I love using the teleport in chase, but lots of times as Hux, I'm just chasing you unless I can't find anyone.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    So that’s why Trapper, Wraith, Bubba, Doc, Legion, Ghostface and plague got buffed? It TOTALLY wasn’t that they were weak and the devs knew it and buffed them

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267
    edited September 2023

    Singu doesn't need the majority of these, maybe family photo ( or at least turn it into a green so i can get more of them) but the other ones are outright not needed. None of these changes actually address the problem that singu is unplayable on some maps too.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,244

    For the map reliance, I think a 5-7s CD and a half tag on a blob hit on Surv could help there. It keeps the Biopod as the better option when you can get it, but allows for Lerys and RPD to be playable now.

    I'd also enable the spacebar when holding M2, and the spacebar would attempt an autoaim shot on someone tagged in FOV. Sometimes you just barely miss and hit the wall next to the Survivor, have to break it, then try to tag the Surv again, and its annoying. Since it would be an autoaim shot, it might TP you to the wrong person, so the normal M1 TP would still be available also. You could aim up to not tag anything, and it would autoaim generously downward for the TP. (Maybe the same autoaim cone size as the biopod tag size.)

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248
    edited September 2023

    Hux lover here. He has two main issues in my opinion:

    1. Very poor map flexibility. He's good on open maps and straight up doesn't have a power on indoor maps. The whole idea of his power is predicated on tagging someone twice before they can EMP. You can't really do that with any sort of reliability on an indoor map with tons of LOS blockers. He becomes a completely pointless killer. You tag them halfway across the map and can't follow up to teleport because they're in some random room in Lerys. What's he supposed to be good at?

    2. He scales extremely poorly with survivor skill. A lot of killers on the roster do worse against better survivors, but I feel it *strongly* on Singularity. When I play him against optimal players with thousands of hours, he essentially doesn't have a power. That's mostly due to EMPs and being able to EMP another survivor's Slipstream. Good survivors will have 100% uptime with EMPs.

    3. Similar to point 2, Overclock just doesn't do much of anything if the survivor doesn't panic. Confident players will run out the duration, and there's nothing to make this killer threatening at a tile during Overclock. It's not going to actually get you hits at safe tiles. Safe tiles are still safe in Overclock and it doesn't give you anything to help you win at a less safe tile. That's still on you.

    I love the killer, but I'm not sure what he's supposed to be good at against good players.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,337

    i don't seem to have these issues. I just find his macro game a little overbearing at base-kit with no perks. If i were improve him, it would be in the lines of giving him a method of a little bit of dynamic information with camera's. at same time, I think he is at good strength level. I do not think he needs that much of a buff like OP post.