AFC Progress Should be Visible on HUD

It's upsetting how this simple suggestion that was made a lot on Forums wasn't acknowledged. I saw this several times on PTB Feedbacks. The AFC progress bar should be visible as a HUD element to other survivors, which seems very easy to implement since we already have the foundation for this.
The only gap differentiating solo players from SWFs is lack of information and communication. There's no reason I should be in a group to get the most value out of this feature just because I can tell someone I can get off the hook myself via Discord meanwhile my solo mate has to walk all the way over to hook just to see me getting facecamped and go back to what they're doing, wasting precious time and not even knowing if I can rescue myself. Please show some love to solo players who are the most affected demographic from strategies like facecamping anyways and stop widening the gap between solo and SWF.
It's to help the player being facecamped, not to help the team get free info and save time. Bring a perk if you want info, otherwise just go look.
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It's to help the player being facecamped, not to help the team get free info and save time
But why can't it do both?
The disparity between solo queue and SWF is one of the biggest and longest standing problems with the game IMO. Showing the progress on the HUD wouldn't resolve it, but it would help.
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Fully agreed.
It can be as simple as reusing the same UI that the generator progress icon uses and simply replacing the generator icon with a hook icon, and having that as the survivor's status while they're on the hook.
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"Bring Kindred" they said for years as if it's going to magically fix the gap between solo and SWF. This is a brand new feature that is being introduced to combat a specific issue that is most effective against solo players but the solution is still "Bring x Perk"?
Yeah because we all know countering x problem with y perk has been such a healthy bandaid fix for the balance of this game for years... I'm sorry "Bring Kindred" ain't cutting it no more.
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As long as the killer gets to see it, too.
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they weaken that camping mechanic that it might not work properly for basement. well at least they might adjust it in the future if it proves to be ineffective.
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that absolutely is not unreasonable in this case. I would like to give both sides this info
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An experienced survivor can count the second hand on the clock next to his desk from the time he was hung, BhVR says.
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Giving all survivors more info doesn't change the disparity, just means it's the same but survivors get extra info.
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soloQ will get information that SWF will 100% provide to their teammates via discord every single time (if said SWF is using voice comms that is). So if this is the case - then providing this information to everyone is strictly buffing soloQ (or non-voicecomms SWF).
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I think it's going to have to, that's how the game works. You bring the loadout you need, or don't. Your call.
This "balance of the game" issue doesn't involve killers. We're not using outside communication for in-game advantages.
Why do you feel the killer's game should suffer to fix this issue that's created entirely by survivors? Them messing up our stealth perks/powers isn't good enough?
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So if one group is breaking the rules, the answer is to buff their non-cheating team-mates and punish the killer? Everyone who follows the rules gets free auras, except killers, we still just get cheated.
I'm thinking we're not going to agree on this one.
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Breaking the rules? This is part of design. A thing you don't like is not breaking the rules. And this was already stated by devs btw
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So you can know how much you would have to loop the killer beside the hook to get a free escape? I think we need to test how much abusable is the system even with the changes they made before allowing more abuse of it, if you don't mind.
In any case, both the killer and the survivors should get a warning that the killer is still in the area of the hook (and not even for the survivors, as they already have Kindred). But never the progress of the bar itself.
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You still get this in SWF. It's not hard to say "I am half full" or "a little bit more and I can unhook" or any other state (even though it will be less precise it does not make any difference in gameplay for SWF). This is something that should be addressed just to not widen gap between SWF and soloQ again.
On the other hand - any abuse in the system should be tackled anyway independently of showing this information or not. Because any abuse still left in the system would be widely opened to SWF anyway (not providing this information just imbalances SWF vs solo and that's it).
One last thing - I am perfectly fine with actually showing the progress bar to both other survivors and killer, because for killer this basically informs him that he is camping. AFC in my opinion should work like a deterrent from face camping - in normal game it should never or almost never happen, that survivor is actually able to unhook himself. By keeping this information hidden killer can miscalculate and unhook can happen more often. I don't think this is the target of the feature. On the other hand for survivors seeing the progress bar filling up should make soloQ more efficient on gens and not get punished that bad for obvious facecamper which works just as much in the same manner - if killers see they can't camp because it basically looses them their game - then they will do it even less so in the end even less facecamping will happen.
But as you correctly hinted - if there still are situations that can be abused, then AFC can still be weaponized instead. I don't consider that goal of the feature and all these things should absolutely be addressed. Ideally I want self-unhook to happen exactly and precisely never for even average killer, because on one hand he knows he just can't facecamp and on the other hand because there's no way for survivors to force killer onto the hook enough for unhook to happen. But proxy camping is OK as that leaves room for at minimum trade.
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Setting my clock, measuring Killer distance to hook and doing calculations to find out the AFC meter progress!☝️🤓
The killer isn't suffering if they aren't facecamping. I don't understand your point and dedication to make sure solo players lack this information. You are forcing people to play in SWFs to have a decent game just for you to come back to this forum to complain about how busted SWFs are. AFC probably doesn't serve you personally and you want least amount of players to benefit from it so you have a hard time emphasizing.
Did you test the PTB? I did test it. If a single survivor is close to hook and killer doesn't see them (meaning they're not even in a chase) the meter literally STOPS. Ofcourse I understand it needs to be tested more on LIVE but I don't understand why some are so scared for solos to have the tiniest bit of information compared to what SWF is going to get with this feature.
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By their logic survivor HUD update was also breaking the rules since now solos could tell what others are doing when SWF always had this information and more... LOL.
They also said "Giving all survivors more info doesn't change the disparity, just means it's the same but survivors get extra info." They don't understand how important "extra information" is. Survivor HUD update, even though it doesn't perfectly tell you what's going on, was such a great and effective QoL addition. But by their logic it shouldn't have introduced because it's "breaking the rules".
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Because you are wrong, it doesn't stops, it just get slowed and there is multiple videos of the system being abused.
That's why we need to test if the changes they did are enough for the system to work as it should and only prevent what it should prevent, not punish killers that are not even camping because survivors abuse it.
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Well, you are right. I still think the system should be tested in live to check if it is really not abusable before making any more changes, but I agree with you.
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I literally have clips of me getting camped on PTB where bar isn't moving at all because there's a survivor near hook behind the wall. But I understand the feature itself should be tested more to make sure it's not abusable. My only request and what the discussion is about is the lack of info solos are going to have compared to SWF with AFC.
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I perfectly agree with you. There's very good chance there is something in there nobody realized yet and we will only see it in live. So it would be very nice if all the kinks could be discovered and resolved ASAP
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This is why we give feedback. Hopefully it'll be a fair addition to the game that can't be exploited. Mine is just one of the feedbacks regarding information. I'm not really discussing if AFC is implemented fairly.
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Because it's not the point of AFC. The point is to give the camped survivor a second chance if the killer refuses to allow a save. It's to punish the killer for camping, not to let the survivors have extra time. The survivors will still have to go check. The only info other survivors will need is info on if they are blocking progress or not.
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I'm settling this once and for all.
The answer to the SWF problem is add proximity-based voice-chat to the game. Gotta be close enough to talk, then you can talk. If the killer is too close, killer can hear that you're talking. That would be fun for both sides.
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Actually, I think I did get a bit stubborn over this. Got caught up in principles instead of how little it matters, really. In my mind, that info was as good as an aura, but now that I've thought it over, it's not.
I retract my againstness and replace it with unconcernedness.