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Chemical Trap VFX become permanent if you Unbind Victor while effected by it.

Platform: PC
Killer game
I was playing as The Twins, and I broke a pallet that had been trapped with the Survivor perk: Chemical Trap.
I decided to immediately unbind Victor to counter the Hindered effect caused by Chemical Trap (I wanted to see if he could move at regular speed, since Charlotte is the "real" Killer between the duo, while he is sorta the Power.).
Instead, Victor had the Chemical Trap VFX on his POV (It did NOT effect his movement speed in the slightest though). And when I switched back to Charlotte, she had the VFX permanently, but wasn't effected by the Hindered as well.
It also persisted to the endgame screen, as pictured above.
I should also point out that the effect wasn't exactly too much a problem, as the visual only does minor distortions around the corners. I just thought it'd be good to at least point out.
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Same issue with Twins.