Fix killer hooks

This update has really thrown the balance against killers. Face camping is rarely a good strategy, but at times it is. I have three gens next to each other and I hook a survivor in the middle. Obviously I'm gonna facecamp while I watch my gens, don't let yourself get 3 gen'D. Its often good to make a big loop also, the killer should see the progress of the hook, and recieve updates about it. But now its even more likely that if I down 2 people ill leave them on the ground. Congrats, you made the game worse for everyone.
This is the issue. Sabotages are dead. Dev team decided to soft-delete it but keep it in game just as bait mechanics. It would be better if they admitted it openly and removed the mechanics completely.
Aparently sabotages were too OP and needed removal so devs came to rescue /s