Healing ?

hey so I jumped on after like a years break, didn’t bother to look at my build didn’t think anything had changed that much since I last played oh how I was wrongg… I was amazed to find out the following …..
am I missing something …. Dead hard don’t trigger when your injured, I had a yellow medkit with gel dressing and gauze roll and botony
and I healed myself ONCE what in the name of the entity has been done to healing…. ONE full heal and a usless small bar left… can someone explain to me if I failed maths or has healing been gutted?
Best Answer
Self healing was nerfed and altruistic healing was buffed. I run botany with medkit and give it to survivors to heal me. Half of them still don't understand what do i want from them, lol.
And you still can have two self heals with medkit with top addons.
Thanks, wow I didn’t realise I was so confused I used to be able to heal 2-3 times and I was left baffled that it healed me once and was gone XD what addons do I need for a 2 Heal?
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I guess it's impossible to do more than 1 self-healing. In order to shake up the meta, they decided to weaken everything related to the healing, so that it contributed to the appearance of the non-healing meta, which was well established due to mft.
I hope it helped...
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That will be enough