Survivors shouldn't be able to kill themselves on second stage while everyone is still alive

Implementing bots was a nice step towards reducing the impact caused by disconecting survivors. However, it can't do its job when survivors choose the other way of giving up and abandoning the game: just killing themselves on hook. To make it worse, the game incentivizes people to choose this method: disconecting leaves you with no bloodpoints, experience (needed to get iridescent shards and rift fragments), or progress to any challenges or daily rituals, and gives you a penalty that stops you from immediatly joining another game, AS IT SHOULD BE for players that give up in the middle of a game and ruin the fun for everyone else.
Meanwhile, killing yourself on the hook gives no penalty whatsoever, even if its done in the trial's first minute. You still get any bloodpoints you had already collected, any bit of xp for having played a short match, still get challenge progress, and if you had used a White Ward, you can even keep your item and add-ons. In other words, rage-quitting players not only have an easy way of bypassing the DC penalty, they also have all the reasons to use the method of leaving the match that is more detrimental to their team.
My suggestion is to keep second stage skill checks, but that instant death that happens after missing two in a row should not happen if there's more than one survivor standing (not hooked, in the dying state or already dead). If there is only one survivor left beside you or everyone is already down, it makes sense to be able to immediatly die to save time and/or to open the hatch as soon as possible, but not to do it at the start of the game. The first hook stage can remain as it is today, as the 4% mechanic is a fun thing that should stay.
Was about to do similiar topic. But i believe something should be done with hook suicides overall.
In no other team oriented game you can #########, doom team to defeat and not get any punishment.
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Posting in this thread again because I just had a game were a survivor killed herself on first hook before anyone could reach her and the whole game went downhill. Another survivor killed herself on hook not long after that and I didn't even have the time to do my challenge before the match ended. Once again players left in a way that prevented bots for appearing, which ruined the game even further for everyone else, but suffered no penalty whatsoever, not even the first person who did it. This happens way too often and needs to change, specially now that the game has bots for DC'ing players and they can't take over after hook suicides.
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BHVR had a chance to prevent easy deaths by not letting skipping 2 skillchecks instant kill you when they reworked hooks. As far as I'm concerned, BHVR supports doing this.
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By the way, I just had a game were a Nancy ran away from me when I was trying to heal her, went to a completely unsafe spot to try to get healed by someone else, got caught by the killer and killed herself on hook.
On the same match, a Carlos DC'ed after being downed for the second time, leaving a bot to control his character.
Nancy was the one who did more damage when giving up, but she still got some bloodpoints and no penalty, while Carlos obviously got a penalty and no rewards.