Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Is it time to add more content to the Base-Game?

Member Posts: 605
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

While we have gathered 33 killers with another one around the corner and over 40 survivors, I think its time to add more characters to the Basegame to give new players two more options for each side and with that, 12 more perks to unlock.

First, I think it would be good to add Curtain Call (Clown and Kate) into the Basegame.

Clown is an easy killer to learn, which brings in Pop goes the Weasel, while Kate grants access to Windows of Opportunity, which especially beginners will help a lot.

Legion would be a good choice, but I think it would be too strong for beginner-survivors for all that injuries and healing what they would do.

Instead I think the devs could add Plague or Hag togehter with their survivors to give the new players access to Hex-Perks or Corrupt Intervention while on survivor-side you would gain access to info-perks from Ace or Janes Head-On.

I think these were perfect options for the Basegame with some nice perks, because the grind for all perks is just too high with over 200 perks and without a "Perk-Shop".

Would you agree?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    i think older chapters should become cheaper at this point, at least for in-game currency. Completely free I don’t know, I could see plenty of people getting upset over that.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    I think there are some special editions where some base chapters are included.

    DBD is also pretty often on sale.

    But i thought maybe the base game perks of the og chars should already be unlocked for new players. At least at tier 1.

    When i think to start a new account now - holy f - the grind to unlock all perks is still massive...

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    They also need to revamp the Shrine Of Secrets

    Maybe offer up all of the Perks with 4 (2 Killer and 2 Survivor) Perks on a discount

  • Member Posts: 379
    edited October 2023

    I agree some people would get upset over that. People have complained at an 11 for much much less. I do think that with how much this game has grown content-wise, the base game should grow a bit with it, even if its just one more killer and survivor. And for those who bought it, IDK, free shards to make up for the fact they spent money on it? Maybe shards AND a sh!t ton of blood points too? There's just a ton of reasons for this game to be overwhelming to newcomers when they not only see how much paywalled content they have to unlock to get perks, but when they start to realize how long it actually takes to unlock perks (1.6mil per 50 lvls I think?) I'd say that we could do away with tiers 1 and 2 for all perks and just have the one lvl at whatever they are at tier 3. I know they just reworked the bloodweb to lessen the grind but it's not enough IMO, tho that's an entirely different conversation.

    But as far as making at least one older paywalled DLC free, at least newcomers would get free access to a few more free perks considering how many they have to pay for if they want to unlock at least a decent chunk of them. Yeah, some would b** though, you're right about that XD

  • Member Posts: 654

    Still weird how Of Flesh and Mud and Spark of Madness are base-game on every system except Steam.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I don't think BHVR would be too keen to do that. Which is understandable, if we're being honest. They spent time and resources on creating this content after all.

    However, I think it would be reasonable to make some of the older original characters a bit cheaper. Maybe reduce the cost to 4,500 shards? That would be very welcome.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2023

    I'd like to see some new general perks be added to the game periodically. Maybe one new general perk for each side every other chapter.

    Like, there's only one free gen regression perk in the entire game and it's only free because they lost the Stranger Things License. Given how necessary regression perks are, I think that's absolutely nuts. I know they often appear in the Shrine, but it's still not great for newer players to have to grind through some difficult matches without access to many decent regression perks.

    Lots of the the best perks for Survivor are thankfully free to most new players. But for Killers, the free perks are mostly kinda bad to just OK. As others have said, I think making older DLC a bit cheaper to buy with iri shards would be a good move.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I agree. It wouldn't even be a bad decision financially on BHVR's part- if they pick the right characters, they'd get more interest in their game to non-players and more incentive to buy skins for those who do start playing.

    I'd say they should start with making Of Flesh and Mud and Spark of Madness free on Steam, which for some reason they aren't despite that being the case everywhere else. If I had to pick one extra chapter to make basegame, I'd pick either Curtain Call or Darkness Among Us.

    Clown + Kate are simple, appealing, and have good perks, whereas Darkness Among Us contains a very popular killer (that'll sell a lot of skins if they're already unlocked, just saying) and a survivor with pretty decent perks for newer players getting to grips with things.

    I've seen some people suggest putting a shard discount on older characters, and I'd agree with that too. The grind isn't quite as bad as people make it out to be (very few people care about getting everything (least of all new players), which is where it starts becoming daunting) but it could easily be alleviated for newer players all the same.

  • Member Posts: 763

    No kidding. When friends see me playing DBD and ask about it I warn them off immediately. At this point the grind is too long, no new mode has been added to the game...ever, the game code (what of it that works) is an antique by online standards, there's no real balance, there's bizarre changes made off and on, and the game's becoming more and more of a cash grab.

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