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Just give us a different gamemode already, instead of this messy event...

buckk0097 Member Posts: 96
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

i hate dbd monetization techniques and i cant play the game with out always thinking about how annoying it is to play for hours and hours to get shards and then being almost useless. 1002th FENG cosmetic and buy it now or dont get it for a year thing.

atleast be modest enough to let people get their paychecks first. not every month i have spare cash around.... i love new void collection but when i see you selling each piece of a skin for almost 5 dollars .....abusing the COOL BUT LIMITED EDITION UNTIL NEXT YEAR IDEA....then id rather spend my money on a game i feel like deserves it


I was excited for the event, watched entire event stream then downloaded the patch as it dropped. I took one look at the store and saw the FOMO limited time buy now or hope you are interested enough to get them next year with shards technique.

ok Then lets play survivor......oh the wait time is 5 mins.....Lets play killer and pick someone fun for the event and i went with oni. I got 3 claudettes with the usual comp grey shirt short hair and black pants. all flashlights and got my gens absolutly slaughered.....Decided ok then time for blight, i can keep up with pressure and do event at same time so i got called Sweaty,boring...killmy you guys know the rest....

As for the event it self. the Void realm is so small i lost all excitement third time i went to it. and releasing the ghosts felt like listening to someone screaming into my ear with loud noises than any benefit in the game.

I also noticed the poor survivors i kill first have like 30k bloodpoints while the ones who hid away and escaped for around 120k. if you unlucky and killer finds you first you wont be doing event on survivor side.

and if you are a killer you have to give up on game pressure to try and interact with something very underwhelming.


  • i was excited for the void realm, turned out to be one square size of a 2 junglegyms almost.
  • i was excited for the bulb addon, turns out its not supposed to be coming back ( somehow it shows up sometimes) spent 200k bloodpoints for 2 bulbs...
  • more and more Tricks and techniques to squeeze our money with Feng cosmetic and buy it now or hope you can get it next year..
  • event mechanics are complicated and overwhelming for a reward you would have been fine without. so no incentive to go after them everygame resulting in ruining other people games.
  • soloq is being massacred by tunnelers, these killers focus on getting that 1 vs 3 early to get max bloodpoints and win at same time
  • survivor giving up on hook when they see teammates doing event instead of unhooking immediately or generators
  • JUST GIVE US A DIFFERENT GAMEMODE ALREADY. dont ruin the exsiting one with random things...

I am sorry i havent played the event for a bit now and really find myself thinking wether to invest in it or just buy baldurgate3 and wait for the next chapter

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,723
    edited October 2023

    i agree with the most points though. survivors are helpless when they get the killer's attention all the time in terms of event points which can be frustrating. but other issues are just your regular dbd playerbase unfortunately.

    Post edited by EQWashu on