Knight's guards should be counted as camping

Seriously, every Knight does it and it ruins the game. If they plant a guard to camp hooks, it should activate the timer.
How can a Guard camp when it disappears the second you touch the hooked?
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It's not an effective camp at all. Just watch the guard and then run in for the unhook. Unhooking gets rid of the guard.
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When the Hunt from the Guard starts and you touch the hooked survivor (you don't have to unhook the survivor, just touch them), the Hunt stops. In addition, when the Guard is next to the hook - and depending on the Guard (Jailer, Carnifix, or Assassin) - the Knight has no power for the next chase which is pretty good for the other survivors.
If the Knight camps with his Guard in the area of the hook, the other survivor can do gens without trouble and go later for trades. Of cause always depending on the situation.
Overall, Guard camp is very weak and can drawback to the Knight player. It might be just annoying but nothing more.