Put more trial info in the end game stats


Hello ppl of the fog,

The end game stats currently show the player loadouts and score, and whether they escaped or not. But imo there's still missing some relevant trial informations:

  • Map being played
  • Gens being finished
  • Hook count per survivor
  • Escape by hatch
  • Cause of death (Bleedout, Rancor, Mori, Killer Power)

I'm uploading the majority of my game stats to Nightlight, and it also lets me specify the listed informations. While escape from hatch and Case of death are usually not an issue to remember, the others can be more difficult. For maps, if I played on a badham map, and I'm no longer on the server, I have no idea which badham it was (1-5). For gens, if not all gens were done and I missed to look at the gen counter when the game is ending, it's often guessing whetherit was at 1, 2 or 3 gens. And for hooks, even if I look a the hook counter at then end (as killer), it's still may not be clear how the hooks were devided. E.g. when two got out with 9 hooks, one was hooked once, the other twice, but I don't have any indication which player. Or 6 hooks with 3 man out, it can be one hook each, or 0-1-2 hooked.

Adding this info would make easier to keep stats of the games you played, and imo could be implemented fairly easily with additional icons.


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,572

    Guess I'm alone with this issue ^^''.

  • timetodohottakes
    timetodohottakes Member Posts: 175

    I think that would be a good idea not gonna lie, better data for the players, or at least easier to collect.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,416

    Nah dude I think the idea is good, there should be all sorts of information + replay mode, question is will they do it though? ^^

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,942

    Yes! 100% THIS! And while you are at it, let us revisit the last 10 games, so if we get killed first, we don't have to watch up to 10min of unrelated gameplay, just to know if the killer was running Awakened Awareness or something like this. And sometimes I might have clicked "next game" out of reflex, when I suddenly remember that I wanted to check something specific, so please, its not much of extra data, just let us revisit the last couple of games.

    Also, maybe show total gen-time and healing times or chase times, would be interesting to have this data to compare.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,424

    In regards to the replay match idea, they've said a bunch of times such a feature would have had to been originally coded back when the game first came out. It's too late now.

    Maybe in a DBD2 if that ever happens.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,572
  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,572

    Past 10 games stats, absolutely!

    It happens so often to me that I forget to take a screenshot for Nightlight, bc I'm chatting or randomly clicked on a done challenge. Being able to review these would help in this regard.

    It's honestly a bit baffling why we still not have any ingame overall stats. You can watch your game stats with external sites, so the data is definitely their. The devs only have to display it somewhere. Other games do this, why DBD doesn't is beyond me ...