Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How To Make DBD Enjoyable Again

Member Posts: 901
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

You throw this away into the garbage and BHVR realizes this was a dumb idea to add this, let's bring it back the ranks instead because MMR doesn't work in these kinds of games.

That's all I have to say.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 7,088

    MMR is basically just constantly being in red ranks.

    So many differing skill levels and the occasional screwed up matchmaking who pairs up a new player and a monster with 10k hours

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    Was the grade system really be any better, though? Genuinely would like to know because I didn't play before they added SBMMR. Do you think matchmaking should be totally random, or do you want a return of the old grade system?

    I mean, with the old system wouldn't you get ultra sweaty games at the start of each season as everyone races back to the Iri ranks? And it would surely be worse for the lower ranks, because there would effectively be no MMR whatsoever for the first week or so of the season before players played enough to settle into their correct ranks.

    I personally think it would be better to remove de-pipping from the current grade system (except as a DC punishment) to at least mitigate some of the sweatiness. Because right now you get a season that's bookended by sweaty games at the start (the race to Iri) and also at the end (for those players who still haven't played enough to hit the Iri grades). I think no de-pipping would mean most players should make it to an Iri grade without too much sweat.

    Like, why go to the trouble of hiding rank from us but keep a grade system that still incentivises sweaty play? It makes no sense to me.

    It does feel like MMR is absent from the game most of the time. It only took a handful of 4K games on my switch account to begin facing the level of Survivors I usually get on a 750+ hour Steam account. I guess maybe I passed a smurf check? I dunno. But lots of new Killers will suddenly hit a brick wall if that's a typical experience.

  • Member Posts: 901

    There was for a while before MMR you wouldn't see tunneling and camping as frequently as you do now. You could hop on a match on either side and just have a chill match and you could enjoy every killer.

  • Member Posts: 16,759

    The Rank-System (not Grade-System) was better, at least when Rank Reset happened and it was a meaningful Rank Reset. Back in the day you got set back from Rank 1 to Rank 10 or Rank 11. And the games you had for the first three weeks were usually the best games you can imagine, because you had people in your game which were roughly your Skill Level. And if you were someone who ranked up fast (aka was playing good), you also played against good players.

    In the end, the Rank did not really show if someone was good, but IMO the speed people ranked up showed it. And IMO it was also something to work for, I am honest, since Grades were introduced, I have not been Grade 1 on either side. But I was always Rank 1 on both sides with the Rank System, because I dont really care about a few BPs at the end of each month.

    What was really bad was when BHVR changed the Rank Reset to just set you back to the next Color. So someone who was Rank 1 was set back to Rank 5. And as I said before, with the good Rank Reset you had good games for around 3 weeks. Because in week 4 players managed to get into Iri-Ranks who were not really good, but at some point, they will make it (because Ranking up was not that hard). But when they changed the Rank Reset to just the next color, you had those players in Iri-Ranks very quickly, so the Matchmaking was really not good anymore.

    And the best thing about this was their "argumentation" (you cannot really call it that)... They wanted to make the Rank Reset less impactful because players who dont have much time will feel left out. This is quite a bad reasoning, because it is only natural in games that players who play more also get more. And the funniest thing is that they made it even worse with Grades, because you get set back to Ash 4 and you need even longer to reach Iri 1, so someone who does not have much time will even less likely be at Iri 1 AND there is a (even if it is not good) reward nowadays, now people are really missing out on something if they dont have that much time.

    So they had their bad reasoning, made a bad change because of that (which made the Matchmaking bad and "blessed" us with the failed SBMM) only to completely contradict their reasoning.

    I mean, yeah, this is the one positive thing. But I would trade having to read this again when having back the old Rank-System. And it also was funny sometimes - I remember someone saying that I must be at a low Rank. After telling them that I was at Rank 1, they did not believe me, so I showed a Screenshot. And then they did not believe me that it was me (despite having the exact same name on steam...).

    But yeah, it is good that people cannot try to invalidate other peoples opinions because they are not a specific rank, but this is really the only positive.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    The rank system was very flawed, but I am nostalgic for it sometimes. I really miss rank reset every month, where games became more chaotic for awhile.

  • Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2023

    SBMM could absolutely work in DBD. They're just worried, maybe justifiably, that people would stop playing if 5 minute queue times were regular.

    The rank system was definitely worse.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    salt at losing. sbmm does work.

  • Member Posts: 7,088

    You would still see camping and tunneling as people actually had an incentive for doing so, being getting and maintaining a higher rank.

    Now you cant go down tiers, and youre trying to maintain an invisible number.

    Those who truly had chill matches before, still are getting chill matches today.

  • Member Posts: 8,354

    Going back to grade-based matchmaking would result in worse matchmaking, not better. For all the flaws this system has, and it does have some big ones, it's still overall more effective than the old system.

    I still get matched with baby survivors who don't know what they're doing, but much less frequently than before. The opposite is also true, though that does tend to happen a little more frequently; I still get matched with ridiculous 8k hour players (and literally a comp player according to their steam bio, the other day), but it's not that common overall.

    As with most things in DBD, the best way to improve things is to go forwards, not backwards.

  • Member Posts: 82

    I completely agree with this opinion. All I want is to play against players of the same skill level anyway. In the old rank system, those who quickly reached rank 1 could enjoy high-level matches. Now it's a chaotic match.

  • Member Posts: 944

    My killers games are ok overall but solo Q is totally broken, I die literally 15/20 times in a row and I will still play against sweatiest p100 blight i've ever seen for my 21th games (with 500 hours teammates of course), I shouldn't play agaisnt that after 20 losses, sometimes I think it's just a lie and 100% random

  • Member Posts: 9,721

    I remember when BHVR did a secret test where they brought back grade based matchmaking as part of testing for SBMM improvements and people massively complained about those tests that they ended them early.

    Fact is, old matchmaking wasn't good and despite it's flaws SBMM is still an improvement.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Delete all Official Community Tournament because dbd is not an e-sport game and never will be. Stop encourage dbd player to become more and more competitive.

  • Member Posts: 395

    God those were the days. You could have a Nurse who got the 4k but then you could go against a Leigon or Pig and have a chill match.

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