Killers are becoming Stale and Repetitive

Think of killers like donuts. Trapper is a plain donut, the Doctor is a jelly filled donut, and the Twins are a donut with an extra donut hole placed atop it. There are many different donuts, each one being unique and people finding a liking for certain flavors. However, as time goes on, you start to get bored of donuts. Sure, every once in a while a new flavor comes out and it’s taste is new and fun, and sometimes old flavors get their recipes changed and that is fun too, but at the end of the day after the excitement of the new wears away, you are just left with more donuts.
Now, as you explore more of the menu of this BHVR donut shop, you see some different desserts. Not many, but they are there. A slice of Deathslinger pumpkin pie, a Huntress eclair, a coconut creme filled Spirit croissant. You try them all, and while some of them are not to your personal taste, the completely new textures and flavors stay with you. As you return to the donuts, they taste just a little bit fresher than you remember, their individualities smelling pungent in your nose.
As time goes on, the differences of the unique items start to wear thin. The Nurse wedding cake is certainly different, but after the 100th order of it, returning to the donuts isn’t the same as it used to be. The air isn’t fresh anymore, just different.
New items get introduced to the menu, but they are all donuts. Dredge double chocolate and Singularity pear and peach filled donuts are good for a while, but again, after a certain amount of time, you tire. You crave something new. Not a donut, but a different, new dessert. Maybe a milkshake, or hard candy, anything but a donut.
But each time, when the new pastry is being announced, it’s always your familiar, round friend. You eat it, for something new is such a valuable thing, but at the bottom of your stomach, you know this isn’t what you want. Even if you love your Legion maple sugar donut, you want something fresh to compare it too. Something to make you appreciate what you already have.
Maybe you don’t like donuts, but you love the atmosphere of the cafe and are just waiting for that special dessert that calls to you. You’ve tried other restaurants, but none comfort you the same. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Macarons are similar, but not to your taste. You try the Civilization 6 Salads, and while they are certainly different, they aren’t the sweet desserts you crave. So you return, appreciating the donuts more than before you left, but still, it fades.
I just want a new killer, man. A new, new killer. Someone that moves always at 4.0 m/s, or a killer who is blind and can only see what is a few meters in front of them. A 2v4 killer that requires matching with someone else playing the same killer, or a 5vEnvironment killer that collaborates with the survivors to kill AI and escape with them.
Would it be a pain to design and balance? Of course it would! It’s something new, and new is always rocky at the start. But that’s the point. The only way to grow is to do something different. To get out of your comfort zone, to experiment and fail, and learn, and succeed. But they aren’t doing that. They are just resting on the safety of 4.6 m/s, inwardly recycling in this tight box of proven game balance.
They can keep doing it forever. Every killer could be 4.6 m/s going forward, and BHVR would never run out of ideas. Limitations breed innovations, after all. But is it worth it? To deny the potential of the infinite ideas outside of that box, simply because they are scared of making something broken or bad?
Trickster is possibly becoming 4.6 m/s in the next mid chapter patch. I guess only time will tell if he loses his individuality and becomes just another donut.
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You know how people say that when you are fighting a Nurse you are playing the 'Nurse Game', not regualr DBD?
I want more of that. But, you know, more balanced.
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oh i see
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Now I'm hungry.
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I can understand how you feel. There are Killer ideas that I would like to see that I’m afraid might be too ambitious for the game.
Like what if we got a blob/slime Killer that was super slow, like think 2.0/3.0 m/s slow, but left a permanent trail of slime that injured you? Then when the slime catches you it’s an instant carry. The slime can go faster on its on slime trails. Add ons could adjust speed and slime interactions.
Or what if we got a Bigfoot Killer where the walls of the maps are replaced by tree walls that the Survivors can not go through but the Killer can? The Killer can go through one wall and appear on the opposite side of the map, kind of like a looped map for the Killer. That way the center of the map is technically the furthest part of the map.
My personal wish is for them to do the Devil but as a woman and with a pitchfork and everything. Her power could be something like making the whole map hotter for a period of time inflicting various debuffs map wide. Or maybe even like a 10 stage heat index that increases one stage every time a Survivor is injured.
There’s so many ideas I’d love to see.
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Be honest, you wrote this post when you were hungry, didn't you?
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Im asking myself if a Happy Donazz is nearby.
Oh there is one. Well... Im on the move.
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I had a can of soda for breakfast, saw the update , and refuesed to eat anything until I was done typing.
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I honestly don't have a problem with the mold that bHVR has for their Killers, I dont see why a Killer has to just break the mold to be interesting. The Killers have to fit into the game environment, sure that's what I'd expect. it does not make bHVR resting on the safety of 4.6 m/s it makes them create a Killer that is fit for the game that is designed for 4.6 m/s maps and Killer gameplay.
Sounds more like someone should go play a different game if they crave so much change instead of demanding that change in a game that works fine at the pace its going. Like look at Nurse, the way Nurse functions is counter to how the game works and she has been absolutely reckless on this game's balance. I don't want more Nurses, they might be fun sure, but they are a controversy superstar.