Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Unused/Non-Licensed Assets

With the return of stranger things comes the perk assets for Nancy and Steve in their perks again.

My question here is:

In the game files the old assets are there, is it against TOS/EULA to swap the file names to enjoy the Non-Licensed art? This I guess would extend to other parts as well such as the old Glenvale offering file which still exists in the game files, and the Unused/NL assets from the Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween chapters and the Unused assets in general.

I feel this is similar to using things like NightlightGG or the former DBD toolbox to change the perk images.

The EULA doesn't explicitly state this cannot be done but it does state you cannot "Reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble all or any portion of the Game." which typically means messing with assets but I feel this statement would shut down things like NightlightGG.